7. lost : turner x tyler x luke

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Little : Tyler
Daddies : turner and Luke

"Daddy! I want up!" Said Tyler, trying to get his caretakers attention. But as turner had still done nothing he pouted.

"Daddy!" He whined.

Still ignored.

He slowly felt tears prick his eyes. He saw a store with all kinds of toys and stuffies in, so he went over to the store.

He had gone unnoticed by turner, who was on a phone call with Tyler's mom.

"No, I'm not giving Tyler to abusive people like you!" He said and hung up on the homophobic mom.

Tyler's mom was homophobic and his dad? Well actually his dad was gay, but was forced to be straight by his now wife, Tyler's mom.

Turner sighed as he turned around to grab Tyler's hand, but he saw no one behind him.

He frantically looked around the area, trying to spot the small little.

Meanwhile as turner went on a rampage, Tyler was in the store looking at a pretty set of little pacifiers.

He wanted the one that said 'cutie bear' but since his daddy was busy he thought maybe he could buy it himself.

He took the pacifier and went to the front desk. He opened his little hand and dropped the pacifier on the counter.

The man behind the counter smiled. "You know your daddy is not gonna like that you are running around without a caretaker, Tyler." Said the man.

Tyler gasped, he looked at the male in front of him. "Sowwy papa." He said looking down tears in his eyes.

The man cooed and went over to the now crying little. "Come here baby." He said, making Tyler move into the man's protective hands.

The man carried the little and rocked the boy shushing him. Soon Tyler was asleep against the man's arms.

The man smiled softly at the boy. Then he took out his phone and texted someone.

Soon a panting turner busted into the shop, scaring the other littles in the shop. "Sorry." He mumbled.

He went over to the man who had Tyler in his arms. He smiled in relief. "Thanks a lot babe." He said, pecking the man on the lips.

Making the other chuckle. "You are the worst caretaker ever babe." He said chuckling at the face turner made.

"Oh shut it luke!" He said in an annoyed tone. But the smile on his face said another thing.

"Papa? Daddy?" Asked Tyler, now awake rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Turner smiled at the cute boy. "Hey ty, next time you want attention from me make sure to tug at my clothes, okay?" Turner said making the youngest out of the three nod.

Luke smiled at his two boyfriends. He loved them with all his heart. "Hey bays?" He said catching the attention of turner and Tyler.

"I love you two." He said simply.

The other two smiled. "We love you too baby/daddy" they said.

"Now let's get you two home." Said Luke as he placed Tyler into turner's arms. "You go home my shift will end in probably in an hour or two. But remember I love you two!" He said placing a kiss on each of their foreheads.

Short chapter

Little space random one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang