Baby Mamma

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Jaclyn POV

I was sitting on couch reading No other lover will do, waiting on Mackay and Ramello. I finally heard the front door open but I heard another persons voice. Dang! I really don't want to deal with no baby mama today I thought.

"Hey baby" Mackay said giving me a kiss

"Hey mom, it was fun" Ramello said

"What did y'all do" I asked

"We played basketball" Ramello said

"She got a kid" the girl said sitting down. To me it looked like she was getting comfortable but I'll stop that in a heartbeat.

"So your wifey" she asked

"Yes all day" I said smiling. She rolled her eyes and I smiled.

"I would have brought our daughter but I didn't want to scare you" she said" you look like you get scared easily"

"I've been through worst things" I said with attitude

"Like what breaking a nail" she said

"I'll been shot" I said "I got a gun upstairs that's hasn't been out in a while but I think I need to bring it out"

"I think it's time for you get going Tonya" Mackay said

"Don't let me catch you in the streets" she said

"I'll get to you before you even catch me" I said. Tonya left and Mackay shook his head.

"Did you really have to say all of that" Mackay asked

"Yes because she going to learn" I said.

"Ok" Mackay said dropping it

"I hope y'all want leftovers" I said getting off the couch. I heard the boys groan,as I walk out the living room and I laughed.

"Y'all better go get y'all something because I ain't cooking" I yelled. When I got upstairs to our bedroom then I went to sleep.

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