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Jaclyn POV

3 years later

I was getting the girl ready before I dropped them off at my mothers house.

"Nine hold still" I said to Nina

"Momma it hurts" she yelled. I was giving Nina two French braids so her hair would look a bit decent til I had time to really do it. I did Nora hair before I did Nina hair before Nina hates getting her hair done.

"All done" I said to Nina. I got up and I went to the kitchen to heat up the girls some pancakes. The girls came running down the stairs, yelling pancakes and I giggled. I sat their pancakes on the table and they just looked at me.

"Whipped cream and chocolate" they yelled. I sighed but I went to the refrigerator to get the whipped cream and chocolate syrup. I put the whipped cream and chocolate on their pancakes and they started eating.

"Fatties" I mumbled. I went upstairs and I put on my black leggings, my short sleeve white lace shirt and my lebrons. I walked back downstairs to the living room and saw the girls watching Sophie the first.

"Come on yall" I said. The girls looked at me and then went back to watching TV. I turned off the TV and the girls crossed their arms.

"We were watching that" they pouted

"Yall can cross them little arms all yall want" I said " yall can watch that at grandmas house"

I got the girls in the car and we drove to the corner store because they be drinking all of the juice at my moms house. We walked in corner to the juice selection and of course Nina was running around and stuff.

"Nina stop" I said. She kept running around and I thought I'm going to beat that little girls butt. I was trying to figure out what juice should I buy them because they're some picky kids.

"What you doing" I heard some say. I turned and saw the man was talking to Nina. Nina was looking like she was scared and I thought someone need to scare her bad tail but it turns out she wasn't.

"Fuck you" she said throwing up her middle finger. My mouth was literally hanging down and so was the man. I grabbed her by her arm and I handed the juices to Nora. We brought the juice and all I could think about is that I'm going to light her up like a Christmas tree.

We pulled up to moms and Nina started crying. I turned around and I popped Nina in her mouth.

"Don't ever let me hear you cussing again" I warned her and she nodded her head. We got out the car and I walked the girls to the door.

"Hey daddy"

I said once my dad opened the door.

"Hey baby girl" he said " Pawpaws girl"

"Pawpaw" the girls yelled and I giggled. My dad started looking around and I grew confused.

"Where's Ramello" he asked

"At his dad's" I said rolling my eyes.

"Tell him I said hey" Dad said

"Ok, well babies I got to" I said giving the girls a hug.

"Love you mommy" they said

"Love yall" I said back. I got in the car and I drove to Dominic house. I bet yall probably think we back together, no were not. I'm done messing with my no good baby daddies and yes Mackay is in the girls life. Mackay didn't come into the girls life into they were two but the girls, are warming up to him.

I pulled up to Dominic house and I saw them outside throwing the football. I got out the car and Ramello ran to me.

"Momma" he said wrapping him arms around my hips. I missed my baby boy, I haven't seen him all week because he spent his spring break at the beach with his daddy.

"I missed you" I said "Did you have fun at the beach"

"Yeah, we went swimming" Ramello said excitedly. Ramello loves going swimming.

"You knew what me and the girls did for spring break" I said

"What" Mello said

"We did nothing" I said lying. We went to the American doll store and etc.

"Really" he said with big eyes.

I nodded my head. Ramello started ranting on, what he did and I just smiled at him. It is crazy how, Ramello looks just like Dominic, but I love my baby boy no matter what.

November POV

"Stop playing Wiz"

I said to Wisdom. I was trying to take a nap because I was having a terrible headache, but Wisdom wants to play with me.

"Mama, guess what" Wisdom asked

"What" I said

"These nuts" Wisdom said. I jumped up and I grabbed Wisdom by her arm.

"Don't you ever say that again to know one" I warned " Your a girl and you don't us that bad language"

"You use that language" she said

"I'm grown" I said. I grabbed the belt off the night stand and I hit Wisdom with the belt.

"Now go sit down" I yelled at her. She ran out of my room and I laid back down. I heard Logan talking to Wisdom and I rolled my eyes. Logan is my fiancé we meet two years ago and we just fell in love with each other.

"Why, you beat her" Logan's deep voice said. Yes, Logan is white but skin color don't hold me back.

"She kept playing with me" I said

"Well you need put some base in your voice" Logan said. I looked at him like he was crazy, I don't have no base.

"So you want me to talk like his" I said and then I tried to imitate his voice. Logan busted out laughing and I giggled.

"I love you" I said

"Love you too" he said

"When the kids leaving" Logan asked

"Their dad should be coming in a few minutes" I said

"Oh, well I better start cooking" Logan said. Omg, I how did I forget to tell y'all that he cooks, and let me tell you, he can cook like on some RNS.

"Will you answer the door, when he comes" I asked

"Yes, I will now take you a nap" he said kissing my forehead. I promise I got the best future hubby, I thought smiling.

How was chapter?

It was long, can y'all believe that? 😱

How y'all feel about Logan?

Nina bad?

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I bet this book is probably getting boring so I'm going to hurry it up!

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