To Early

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November POV

I was in the bed sleep when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up with out looking at the caller ID.

"Hey" I said

"Come home Please" Ace begged

"Ace we need a break" I said

"I don't know if that really is my baby" Ace said

"You should have told me" I said

"I know Baby" Ace said. I felt this sharp pain in my stomach and I screamed.

"November are you ok" Ace asked. I got up and saw water under me.

"Omg!" I yelled. Kameron, Kaleb and Chad ran into my room.

"Ma are you ok" Kam asked

"I'm having the baby" I said when another contraction hit. The boys helped me down stairs and I grabbed the car keys. I got in the passenger seat and Keleb got in the Drivers seat.

"Ma what do I do?" Kaleb asked

"You know all them driving game you play, it's just like that" I said. Kaleb started the car and I told him the directions to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital then a nurse was coming outside with a wheelchair.

"Get that women over here" I said. The boys started yelling for the nurse and she ran over to us. I got in the wheelchair and she pushed me to the room.

I was in the room waiting when Doctor J came in.

"Well it looks like we're going to have to do a C-section" she said.

When they did the C-section then she did not come out crying. I started crying because it's my fault, I been stressing.

I was there looking at the wall when the Doctor J come in.

"We got her breathing but she couldn't breath on her own" Doctor J said

I nodded my head. A few min later then my family came in.

"Why didn't you call me" Cameron asked

"How did you get to the hospital" Mia ask

"Its the baby ok" Dad asked.

"Kaleb drove me to the hospital and the baby can't breath on her own" I said. The whole room got quiet.

Everyone left after a few hours but Mia stayed.

"Did dad take the boys" I asked

"Yeah so what are going to name her" she asked

"I don't know yet" I said

"How about Wisdom Maria King" Mia asked

"I love it" I said

"Well baby girl I'm going to get going" she said

"Love you" I said

"Love you too and you call that husband of your's" Mia said and I nodded.

When Mia left then I just looked at my phone.

"I can do this" I said to myself.

"You can do what" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Ace standing in the door.

"She's beautiful" Ace said

I nodded.

"I'm sorry" he said

"Do you think sorry fixes everything" I asked and Ace shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm done" I said

"Baby w-"

"Ace just go, please" I said wiping me eyes. Ace left and I cried to, I couldn't cry no more.

This baby's name is Wisdom Marie King!

Kaleb was driving! 😱😱😱

How was the chapter?!

Kind of sad?



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