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November POV

"Baby, she is not coming"

I disagreed. Me and Logan were see who we should invite to our wedding which is in a few months. Logan wants to invite his boss but his boss is to shady for me. I picked up a card and I wrote Jaclyn a invitation.

"Who's name you write on that" Logan asked

"My ex best friend" I said

"What happened that y'all are ex best friend" he asked

"That's when I wasn't in the right mind" I said

"she'll come around soon" he said. Logan gave me a kiss and then he stood up.

"Where you going" I asked

"I'm sleepy" he said yawning

"Ok, get some rest" I said. Logan went upstairs and I sighed. I grabbed my purse, my phone and the invitation that I wrote her name on and I got in the car.

I pulled up to Jaclyn's house and I thought I can do this. As a started walking closer then I thought I cant do this. The door opened and I literally got scared, but my scared went down when I saw this little girl. She was so pretty.

"Who the hell are you" she asked raising her eyebrow. Well she's a pretty girl with a foul mouth.

"What did I tell yo- November" Jaclyn said

"Hey" I said shyly. Jaclyn hugged me and I hugged her back. It felt so good to hug my best friend, for the first time in forever.

"What you doing here" she asked pulling back

"I was bringing by this invitation" I said handing her the invitation. She opened it and he mouth dropped down.

"You getting married" she said with wide eyes

"Yeah" I said smiling

"Momma" the little girl said.

"What Nora" she asked

"I'm sleepy" the little girl said. I could have swear that she just had on a pink shirt and not purple.

"I'll be in there in a minute" Jaclyn said to her. The little girl went inside the house.

"Well it looks like you got your hands full" I said

"Yeah twins" she sighed

"Wow" I said

"Yup" she said "well let me ahead in here

"Bye girl" I said getting in the car.


I was laying in the bed tracing Logan's tattoos. I kissed his tattoo and then I went back tracing it.

"I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos" Logan sung and I laughed

"Your so corny" I said

"You love it" he said

"You got that right" I said. I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said.

I started thinking about the wedding.

"Stop stressing it" Logan said

"Your right" I said. I started thinking about how I'll be the Ms.Woods.

"Now that's more like it" Logan said. I smiled and I went to sleep, cuddled up my hubby.

How was chapter?

Next chapter will probably be the last chapter of this book!😱😢

I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I been out of town.

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