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Astrid gathers many materials around her household such as knifes, and  guns. She gathers a high grade first-aid kit as well for any emergencies. For all she knows, Kate and Clint could be being tortured or worse. Dead. 

Astrid teleports to site, landing quietly on the roof. Glass had already broken indicating that Kate has already made action, and failed by falling through the roofs window.

"Damnit Kate." Astrid whispers, wishing that Kate waited for her. 

Looking down she see 's them alive, and well. There are no visible signs of injury on either of them. She lets out a sigh of relief. The two are tied up on some kids ride. Its a very random place for a mafia's secret layer. She concludes that it must be some sort of toy factory. Normally Astrid would find this funny but there is no time to laugh. 

Clint is talking- and signing to a woman, but their voices are inaudible. Reading the lips of a man, Astrid identifies the woman as 'Maya'.

 The woman grabs Kates throat, angering Astrid in the process. Though she would like nothing more to attack, this is a hostage situation. There will be a moment where Astrid can strike, she just has to wait for a signal. Clint is am assassin, he knows what he is doing and Astrid has confidence in him. 

In the blink of an eye, Clint breaks out of his restraints and begins to fight. Astrid teleports to the level below to join in.

Landing on top of a large mans shoulders, she hits him with the back of her knife. He falls to the floor with a wail. Two more men come at her with guns. They fire at her, only to hit the pink smoke where she once stood. Astrid dodges and teleports away from the multitude of bullets. The smoke becomes more dense, and they become less aware of their surroundings. With Astrids enhanced senses, she has the upper hand. She swings, cuts, stabs, she becomes an elite warrior. 

"Its a Ghost!" A man screams before Astrid mutilates him with her hands. Kate looks towards her friend in relief. 

"Oh my- Astrid help me get out," 

"Give me a SECOND." Astrid growls impatiently as she continues to fight the mob. She slices the back of a mans knee, and knocks him out with her fist. More men surround Astrid, causing the task to become much more daunting.  

"Shit." whispers Astrid in frustration. She gathers the last of her knifes, and teleports repeatedly around the room. Each time she throws the daggers directly at the mob, hitting each target. Clint catches the two girls attention when breaking out from some sort of cubicle.

The familiar avenger throws himself over a railing, aiming, and shooting. The arrow cuts through the air, freeing Kate from her bonds. He lands gracefully on the cement in a "super-hero" pose. Astrid would be lying if she said she wasn't impressed. 

"You have got to show me how you did that!" Kate says, excitement written across her face. 

"Later." He replies as he stands up

"Kate! are you okay?" Astrid throws herself at Kate, wrapping her arms around her. 

"That was so badass!" Kate smiles in her trance like state. 

"We need to get out out here." The archer concludes. Kate hums in agreement. Astrid grabs Clint and Kate at prepares to teleport but nothing happens. Her face scrunches up as she tries harder and her cheeks flush red in frustration. 

"You look like you're constipated." Kate giggles.

"Shut up. Ugh! Why isn't working?" Astrid ask aloud. Her powers usually don't work for two reasons. Exhaustion or Injury and infection. 

𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒎-𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒂Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon