𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑

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After washing, drying, and brushing her new red hair, Astrid re-bandages her wounds. There is still damage, but not nearly as much. Her healing factor has started to kick back in.

"Hey Im back, I brought take out-" Clint stops, closing the door. "Woah." He looks at Astrids hair in shock. "It suits you..." What he means to say is that it reminds him of someone important to him. Natasha. 

"Thanks." She coughs awkwardly.

Clint looks at Kate and the sketches of a suit she's making. "You know, it's, uh... It comes with a price."

"What does?" Kate ask, not knowing what he is talking about. 

"This life you wanna live. To really help people. I mean, try to help people, anyway. Comes with a lot of sacrifices. And some things you'll loose... forever."  Clint stares into an empty space. 

Loosing people like Natasha. 

"Well, there's also things you gain, like trick arrows and a cool costume. Speaking of which. I've been thinking about your branding issue. You need a more recognizable costume." Kate hands him a drawing with little figures. It even has the dog on it. 

"Uh, you realize that my job for the last 20 years was to be not recognizable, right?" He says, being a spy. 

 "Well, you've officially failed at that. Picture this... in purple. And then Astrids costume in pink-because of the smoke- yeah you get it." She hums. 

"What's that on his head?" Clint points to the figure in the middle. 

"It's your head. Uh, wings. Like a hawk. That's an 'H' that's on your forehead. That's... for 'Hawkeye.' " Kate looks up, proudly. 

"Well, not happening." He detest the costume. 

"Okay. Um... What if it was all black? All black with a mask? Maybe a hood?"

"I would like a hood." Astrid says, joining the two's conversation as she snacks on a sandwich. "I think it would look badass. 

"You can't say who Ronin is because it's someone close to you, isn't it? It's your job to keep their secret." Kate concurs. Astrids eyes widen as a ludicrous thought enters her head. 

Clint is Ronin. 

"There are several reasons why I'd never wear a flashy costume. My job is to be, number one, a ghost. Number two, my wife would divorce me if I put something like this on. Hmm? And number three, uh..." He takes a bite of his food. "I'm not a role model."

"What? Yes, you are." Kate sits up abruptly. 

"You left your family at Christmas because you thought two strangers were gonna get hurt." Astrid Protest alongside Kate. 

"You stuck around even though I screwed up. And now you're stuck. Whether you like it or not, the Tracksuits have connected us three to Ronin, and it's pretty clear they're not just gonna drop this." Kate passes a piece of meat to the dog. 

 "Well, that you are not wrong about." Clint utters in and obvious tone. 

"Not to mention the fact that my mom might be marrying a murderer." Kate butts in one last thing. 

"What the shit-when did this happen?" Astrid sputters, nearly choking on her food. 

 "As far as I'm concerned, we're all in this together. I'm gonna need you to get that. " Kate finishes, leaving Astrid in the dark. 

"All right. And look... One of you girls is gonna have to name this dog, you know." He says. 

"Sure."  Kate responds, "I think I have something in mind." 

𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒎-𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒂Where stories live. Discover now