Chapter 13 - Memory

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The next day I walk downstairs in Stephen's shirt and shorts, I nervously walk down the hall and find him in the kitchen with Wong.

"Good morning Y/N." Wong smiles.

"Good morning." I say nervously. Stephen turns and stares at me a little too long with a smile. "What?"

"Nothing...I'll get you some clothes today." He quickly turns.

"What was my job here?"

"You are a doctor, like me." He nods.

"Was I happy?"  I ask as I sit down.

Stephen looks at the ground for a moment, "Yes." He walks over and hands me a cup of coffee, I gasp as my hand touches his. I could see flashes of light, I could see myself with him laughing. "Y/N?! What's wrong?" He kneels down to my level.

"I...I don't know. When we touched I saw myself laughing with you."

"A memory...this is great!" Stephen smiles.

I reach forward and softly touch his face, I start to feel overwhelmed as I see more flashes of lights and memories. My eyes roll back and I fall out of my chair.



I walk outside in a fancy dress, seeing Stephen in a nice suit.

His face lights up as soon as I walk up to him. "Miss L/N...don't you look gorgeous." He grabs my hand and slowly spins me so he can see all of me.

"Your looking pretty great yourself Mr Strange." I lean up to kiss him.


When I open my eyes, I see Stephen hovering above me. "Y/N! Wake up, come on!"

"Stephen....what happened?"

"You passed out." He helps me back in my chair.

"I saw another felt weird...but good." I nod. "This is good right?"

"Very good." He smiles and pulls me in. Stephen kisses my head and pulls back quickly. "I'm sorry-"

"It's fine...I know how hard this is for you." I nod. "I'm gonna try and remember you." He only smiles and looks at the ground. "What is something that we did together? Maybe that will help."

I tilt my head as he slightly blushes, "Well...we can't do that...."He says to himself.

"Stephen." I giggle.

He stares at me with a smile, "We uh...we sometimes watched a movie. Or we went out. Those are the only PG things I have for you." He chuckles nervously.

I lean closer to him and hesitantly hold the side of his face. "It's so weird...I feel happiness when I look at you. But I also feel pain." Stephen leans into my touch and closes his eyes. "Let's watch a movie."  

I sit beside him on the small couch and stare at the movie in front of us. I couldn't focus...I kept thinking about those short memories I was seeing. I don't remember feeling happy before...Stephen must of been important to me.

Just as I was about to say something, I hear something weird outside. I stand up and tap my chest, my suit glides onto me. 

"Stay here

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"Stay here." I lift up and fly outside and up into the air. I fly down a few blocks and stop in the air to see police officers chasing a large truck.

I dive down  and crash into the back of the truck to see two men with guns. "What the fuck!"

"Boys." I look down to see they were surrounded by money. One of the men holds their gun up and shoots, I move my head to the side to avoid being hit and materialize a rope in my hand.

I quickly wrap the two men in the rope and break open the truck to grab the driver and passenger. "Hey lady!" I turn to see someone in red and blue spandex hanging on a web.

I ignore him and stop the truck, flying the four men out and holding them down until the police arrive. "All the money is in the truck." I point.

"Thank you...." One of the cops stares at me strangely as I fly off.

I land down on a random building as the man in spandex webs over to me. "Who are you?"

"I don't know. People tell me my name is Y/N." I shrug.

"Your your a good guy? I mean girl...woman."

"Sure." I nod. "How old are you?" I ask.

"Uh....I'm an adult like you."

"Right. Anyway...." I tilt my head.


"Spiderman...see ya around." I quickly fly off.

Just as I was about to go back to Stephen, I stop at a familiar building.

I knew this felt like home.

I fly over to a balcony and drop down, I then open the door, luckily finding it unlocked. I materialize two daggers as I hear a weird noise, I flip around to see Stephen walking through a portal in blue robes and a cloak. "How did you find this place?"

"I'm not feels familiar."

"It's your apartment....your father owned the building." He nods.

"My father?"

"He passed away a year before I met you." Stephen nods sadly.

I walk around the small living room and stop as I see a couple framed photos. "I really was a doctor." I smile at the picture of Stephen and I in scrubs. "Why is it so clean in here?"

"I come here to keep it clean...hoping you'd come back."

"That's...really sweet." I smile.

"I was gonna come by and get some clothes for you later, but I guess you would want to stay here."

"No...I want to stay with you." I turn to him.

"Really?" His face lights up.

"I think your the key to figuring out who I am."

Remembering you - Fem Reader X Stephen Strange Where stories live. Discover now