Chapter I: The Dark Knight ~Resurrection~

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Bruce sees a powerful man hovering above him wearing red, blue, and yellow, with his red cape flowing in the wind...


Bruce (played by Ben Affleck) wakes up in his hotel room, bothered by this future. "Just a dream," he whispered. "Just another dream."

The next day...

Alfred (played by Jeremy Irons) sits in front of Bruce in the Italian Cafe, looking at him, silently.

"Hey, Alfred," said Bruce.

Alfred stared at Bruce, then he angrily blasts his fist into Bruce's face.


The people in the cafe are bothered by this and stare at them.

"Alfred, please," said Bruce, grabbing his nose. "Save some for the toast."

"Why!?" asked Alfred.

"Alfred... Calm down."

"I cried for you. I cried for you, Master Wayne. Believe me, I am quite angered by the infuriating choices you made to make me think... you... you were gone!"

"Alfred... I'm sorry. Believe me, I am. It's been ten years, Alfred... and I think that I'm ready to be Batman again."

Alfred stares at Bruce once more. 


Bruce grabs his nose and sighs.

"Signore, if you're going to keep punching the man-..." said the waiter.

Bruce pays the man 2,000 Liras.

"Tell the other staff that we're rehearsing," said Bruce.

Alfred facepalm.

"Alfred... You know that I would do anything to bring back the glory days, right? Robin in Gotham-..."

"Nightwing, now, actually..." said Alfred. "He changed his suit and everything. He believes that you're dead, Master Bruce. We all did..."

"Nightwing..." Bruce corrected his words. "I'm planning to form an allegiance to protect Gotham. A new enemy is coming... someone from my past that I believe John can't do anything against.
He's a fellow classmate of mine from the League. He is known as Slade Wilson. He is a Super Soldier whose eye I tore out long ago when he betrayed the League."

"If this is true, then it would make sense for you to believe that you have the right to be Batman again."

"Alfred, how many times do I have to say that I am sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry, Alfred!"

"You've done enough, Master Wayne! The orphanage was burnt to a crisp and Master Blake had taken over the Batcave!"

"I've done enough, but before, someone told me that things always get worse before they get better. And that we fall so that we'd pick ourselves back up. I'm the guy who calls the shots, Alfred. And I'm calling that I come back in the game."

"Master Bruce, please!"

"I promise that I would no longer do this alone, Alfred. I promise that people would be by my side this time. I would do all this rationally."

"Rationality... Your most human quality, which is yet your downfall. When will you learn that some men are unable to pick themselves back up!? Some men stay down, Master Bruce. I don't want to be the one to see what once was a good man turn cruel!"

"I'll risk it," said Bruce. "I have to be back, Alfred."

"Because Gotham needs Batman or because you need Batman?" asked Alfred. "When will all this madness end, Master Bruce!?"

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