Chapter IV: Bruce and Diana

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Bruce grabs his head while he sits on the table.

He opens the drawer and looks at a revolver.

"Master Bruce... What's wrong...?" he asked after walking by.

"Nothing, Alfred... Something's... wrong..."

Alfred sighs. "Are you happy, Master Bruce...?"

Bruce sighs. 

"Are you happy...?"

"Alfred. If I was happy, I'd be eating in the Big Belly Burger right now."

Alfred sighs. "What if... you ate with someone else...?"

Bruce squints his eyes, suspicious. "Like... Diana...?"

"Why... Yes, Master Bruce. Like Diana."

Bruce stares at the revolver and closes the drawer. 

"Master Bruce."

Bruce stares blankly at nothingness. He pauses for a short while. "Alright."

Bruce and Diana walk around the city of Gotham.

"This place is honestly quite beautiful if you squint hard enough!" smiled Diana.

Bruce sighs.

"S-Sorry! That came off rude... Heheh..."

"Diana. I uh... want... to... eat... somewhere..."

"Is... that why you asked me out...?" she smiled.

"Precisely," said Bruce. He offers his hand. "Shall we?"

Diana smiles. "We shall."

Bruce and Diana then went to the carnival. They went to rides such as roller coasters, where, Diana would enjoy the entire ride, screaming and laughing, while Bruce silently stares forward and smiles.

"Are... Are we supposed to scream...? Is that the norm...?" asked Bruce, turning to Diana.

"WHAT!?!??" asked Diana, yelling and smiling.

Bruce and Diana eat ice cream on the bench.

"How about that one?" smiled Diana, pointing to a couple with a baby.

"Squatters. They've been living off of their principal for a decade, now. They look young, but it's a botox. Spent ten years trying for a baby."

"That one?" she pointed to a man with a bowler hat.

"Member of the Cout of Owls. He's one of my targets on Wednesday."

"That one?" she pointed to a group of students.

"They're trying to film the carnival for a film project about The Joker."

"That one?" she pointed to an old man.

"Poor thing..." said Bruce.

"What's wrong...?" asked Diana.

"He's dying... He... doesn't have much time left... Humans are mortal... after all..."

Diana's eyes can be seen tearing up and quivering.

"Let's go somewhere else."

Bruce and Diana reach the mirror shop.

"Hihihihihi!" smiled Diana, looking at her reflection which is fattened.

Bruce looks at his reflection, which has a big head. "Hmhmhmhm..." he softly chuckled.

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