Chapter III: Investigations ~Beginning of the Return~

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Bruce speaks silently with Lucius. "Tell me," whispered Bruce. "Where are the blueprints that I've been developing?"

Bruce, Lucius, and Dick are in Bruce's massive office. Bruce is wearing his suit with a scarf around his neck. Lucius is also wearing a suit.

"I've sent a friend of ours to personally give you the blueprints," said Lucius.


"My kid. Name's Luke Fox. He should be giving it to Blake and Alfred at this very moment."

"Good," nodded Bruce.

"Hey, Papa?" asked Dick. "I'm hungry."

"Who's the kid?" asked Lucius.

"He's a kid I adopted."

"What!? You adopted!?"

"Shush! I'm trying to keep a low profile about this!"

"Bruce, bringing a child in your life counting what you usually do... That is by far the most irresponsible-..."

"I know... But this kid's parents might be linked to Slade... So is Blake's father."

"What else!? Is he a special child!?"

Bruce sighs and stays silent.

"Oh my God, he is a special child."


"Did you ever consider the possibility that you may have compromised this boy's life!?"

"I know what I'm doing, Lucius. Please..."

"Fine... Play this game, but if people get hurt, it's all on you."


Bruce and Dick walk in the street looking for a place to eat.

"What kind of food do you even want, huh?" asked Bruce.

"I'm ten," said Dick. "What the heck do you think?" Dick's movements while walking are rather restricted and robotic.

"Alright..." said Bruce. "Alright, alright... We'll go to a place I used to go to with my parents..."


Bruce and Dick are seated at a table in McDonald's. Bruce orders his favorite: Mushroom Peppersteak with a side of a Cheeseburger. He ordered this for both of them.

Bruce begins to cough really bad, and the waitress runs and gives him water. Bruce refused to accept it.

"Sir? Sir!?" asked the waitress.

Bruce coughs out chlorine water and some blood.

The waitress gives a shocked expression.

Bruce laughs. "I was uh... Swimming in a five-star hotel! Haha! Kinda almost drowned..."

Bruce remembered nearly drowning while Slade kept on shooting at Bruce for five minutes straight...

"Yeah..." smiled Bruce.

The waitress smiles and nods. "Would you like anything else?"

"Nothing... No, thank you," Bruce charmingly smiled. "I'll just need to uh... some water... yeah? Thanks..."

Bruce looks at Dick and notices that he doesn't want to eat the Pepper Steak.

"What's wrong? Hey? What's wrong? Why aren't you eating your burger steak?" asked Bruce.

Dick just stares at his meal.

"Right... the website said something about this..." he whispered to himself. "Hey... Uh... You watch that thing, right? What do you call that? Star Wars?" Bruce decides to sit closer to Dick.

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