Chapter IV: The Penguin ~An Interrogation Gone Wrong?~

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"The Serum. Why?" asked Bruce, sternly.

"You know, Batman... I'm not too keen to speak with someone who hides behind a mask. Or perhaps... the mask is whoever speaks underneath it?" asked The Penguin. "You saved the boy and had Bruce Wayne adopt him so I couldn't touch him any longer, is that right?"

"Yes," said Bruce.

"Well, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, BATMAN!!! That boy is very important to me! Give him back?"

"Why?" Bruce tilts his head to the right.

"Because some people I just can't trust... and Wayne having him is proof of that statement."

Bruce sighs. "Who is Maria Mercedes and where is she? I heard that she's the only person in the world you tell your plans to and that you're quite connected with. You're a momma's boy, they say. Please tell me. I need to know."

The Penguin growls. He sneers. "Oh, Batman... How awfully pathetic you are... Look at you trying to stop what I'm doing... What I'm doing doesn't concern you."

"If that serum is discovered by the public, then all hell will break loose! That serum is dangerous!"

"Why is it that you fear that serum from going public, I wonder? Perhaps you know someone who has something to do with the serum... Or perhaps... you are the one who developed the serum?"

Bruce sighs. "Why are you taking the serum."

"I thought I was arrested for Tax Evasion?" he cackled. "Why are you arresting me for this instead!?"

Bruce grabs The Penguin, which was his mistake...

The Penguin breaks out of his chains, grabs Bruce's face, and bashes his face into the table, breaking it to pieces.

"You're the one who defeated Bane, correct?" sneered The Penguin. "You think... you're destined for greatness... because you force the world to make sense!?" The Penguin grabs Bruce and punches him once as he crashes into the stone wall.

Bruce signals the cops to stop them from entering.

"You think that you are some Messianic figure! But let me tell you what you are, Batman! You are a child! You are a child-!!!"

The Penguin bashes his fists into Bruce's body over and over again.

"-looking for answers who thinks that he has control over the world! You do not! You will never be special, you pathetic coward!"

Bruce tosses the smoke bombs at The Penguin, but The Penguin ignores this and grabs him by the neck. "Just a man playing Superhero! Complete with spandex!"

"Tell me..." said Bruce. "Who is Fish Mooney?"

The Penguin's sneer disappears. 

"Who is Fish Mooney? Is she another important person in your life? Is the kidnapping a set-up? Who is she? Because if you don't tell me, I will go after her... violently..."

The Penguin begins to fear him.

"Kill me now, and everyone will know who Fish Mooney is... and you will be ruined. You will no longer have a purpose... Chickie."

The Penguin drops The Batman and sits back down at the table. "How do you know about that?"

 "How do you know about that?"

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