Chapter III: Knightfall

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"Tell me... Batman... Who's black, blue, and red all over...?" asked The Riddler. "You... If you wanna talk... Enter this address... Batman..."

Bruce softly enters the house with several criminals waiting for him.

"Hey! Get down or we'll put youse down!" yelled the criminal. "Who do you think you are, anyway?"

Bruce grabs his face and stabs his face with a Batarang, killing him.

"I'm vengeance..."

All of the criminals attack at once, but he sweeps their legs and throws bombs at their guns, disabling all of them. He then goes on to snap the necks of three of them. Two stand up and he throws Batarangs into their faces, killing them. Bruce then stabs the last one in the face with his Gauntlet, killing him.

*clap!!! clap!!! clap!!! clap!!!*

"These people weren't even one of my men... Batman... Just some rival gangs I have a meeting with..." said The Riddler, sitting at a table before Bruce. "Sit." He offers Bruce a seat.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't fucking kill you right now..." said Bruce.

"Because I know your identity. We all do... And if you kill any of us again... We'll tell everyone your little secret... Have you arrested... and Gotham will fall to chaos once more... Batman... You killed a lot of our lackeys. I'm impressed. I didn't know you were... capable of killing in the first place... Batman. I thought you were a symbol. Just remember that I ruined it, Uwu..."

Bruce grabs him by the throat.

Riddler tuts. "Batman... You know better than this... Alfred... Lucius... and Gordon... All taken down because of your hot ass... Now sit... DOWN!!!"

Bruce softly lets him down and sits down.

"Thank you," said The Riddler. "You and I... We're alike..."

"Fuck you."

"No, no, no! We're both orphans, Bruce! I was... once an orphan having my parents killed in an alleyway... And you... are one of the people responsible... That's why I worked for you..."

The Riddler is revealed to be Coleman Reese.

Bruce doesn't care. "Why'd you have my son... killed...?"

"As vengeance for the corrupt city your father created."

"My father is a hero."

"Your father WAS A CORRUPT... PIECE OF SHIT!!! You may be clean, but his blood runs through you."

"So you killed my son... for vengeance...?"

"An eye for an eye, Bruce. Don't you see? Our lives are driven by that thing... Vengeance!!!
Not justice..." he shakes his head. "Revenge... Vengeance... Anger... Betrayal... Hatred... An eye for an eye... Because we are the arrogant people, Bruce... We're awful. Yes, you're keeping Gotham safe! But you're too far gone... And... It will never be possible anymore for your sorry little ass to see the light again... No one... Not even the red-caped spandex boy is gonna bring you to the light..."


"Why do you wanna kill me right now? As I said... We're vengeance... Bruce. Now... I'm going to destroy Gotham... And soon the entire fucking world... To oppose a threat."

"What threat...?"

"A fascist alien called... Darkseid..."

"You're fucking insane."

"Soon... in Metropolis will be eradicated a red-winged angel... a good man... Good... But corruptible... Similar to Dent. What feels right about this is that I proved that you were as corruptible as any of us... Because your weakness, Bruce... is that you yearn for connection. Deep down... You do... And when you have all that... I will take it all away from you... WE will take it all AWAY FROM YOU!!! Anarchy will save us... from Darkseid...
For Black Diamond..."

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