Chapter III: Two Riddlers

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A bus explodes as the people scream.


Everyone is saved after a split second.

With his red, blue, and yellow suit, Clark puts his fists on his hips and sighs in relief after saving everyone on the bus. "Oh, thank God..."

"Thank you, Supes!" cheered a kid.

"We got Suped! We got Suped! We got-!!!"

Clark chuckles softly. "Huh...?" Clark sees a note and reads it.

?" Clark sees a note and reads it

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"What the hell...?" asked Clark.

"Kryptonite," said Bruce, reading the note. "Why would the Riddler target you of all people, though?" He places the note under a coffee cup on his table. "And he's using a new symbol."

Clark thinks. "Why is it Kryptonite?"

"Well... Hidden Land is Krypton. Because Kryptos is the Greek word for 'Hidden.' When it says that it rat along with a few ships in the night sky and reached an island, it meant it traveled through space and crash-landed into the island where your Fortress of Solitude is placed, where I harvest most of my Kryptonite."

"You what!?" asked Clark.

"Anyway..." said Bruce. "The crazy business guy is me. And yes, I've discovered that there are other shades of Kryptonite out there, each having a different effect on your skin cells. Some even aggravate you and others make you stronger. The color of the crystal has the same effect as of the stars with the opposite of its color. For example, Red Sun and Green Kryptonite make you weaker... Green Sun and Red Kryptonite make you aggravated and violent... Blue Sun and Orange Kryptonite make you twice as powerful... Orange Sun and Blue Kryptonite cut your strength in half... Yellow Sun and Violet Kryptonite make you what you are now... Violet Sun and Yellow Kryptonite basically turn you into the most powerful being in the Universe... A man who destroys everything in one punch. A... One Punch Man..."

Did... Did you just do a reference to your other book...?

Yes. I did a reference.

Are... are they going to fight?

Do you want the eight of them to fight...? Goku, Vegeta, Clark, Saitama, Hercules, Thor, Hulk, and Diana?

Yeah... That sounds kinda cool.

Coming right up in the third Arc of the current Part, then. (We're in Part 14: The Jazz Fusion).

"There are also other races in your space-time history.
Apparently, you descended from a race of Old Gods known as Fortisites... A race that deviated from the Olympian, Asgardian, and Ennead races.
Apparently, from the Fortisites, two races emerged... The first are you, the Kryptonians, a race of emotionless warriors and spacefarers that once colonized the Andromeda Galaxy... and the second is a race called the Saiyans. They... apparently lived on the Planet Sadal and soon developed monkey tails through interbreeding with the Plantian people, a race of Monkey Slugs. They then traveled to their latest home: Vegeta, right before they were wiped out. At least, they're gone in our Universe. Apparently, there are a couple of universes out where the Saiyans survived."

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