Chapter V: The Batman Who Laughs

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The Joker then points a gun at Dick's face, who struggles as Harley hesitantly held him down.

Bane holds Bruce to the ground. Bruce struggles to get out of his grasp. Bruce's breath went shaky as he stares at The Joker with immense hatred.

"No..." said Bruce. "No..."

"All you need is a little... Push..." said The Joker.




A horrified Harley drops Dick to the ground.

Dick's face is horrifically blown to pieces, having nothing but a single hole in his face.

"NO!!!" sobbed Bruce. "NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! NOOOO!!!"

The villains, except Harley, all laugh at Bruce, who grabs Dick in his arms.

"Oh my God! No... NO!!! NO!!!" sobbed Bruce. "NO!!! NO!!! Oh my God... No..." Bruce finally removes his mask. The whole city is in chaos. No one takes notice of Bruce, only hallucinating. Fires break out. People run around in the streets.

Scare-Crow keeps laughing and laughing at Bruce.

Bruce slowly looks up at Scare-Crow, very angrily...

Bruce suddenly grabs a Batarang and-...


The villains, except The Joker, stop laughing all at once, as their smug faces turn to fear.

"RAUGH!!! RAUGH!!!" roared Batman, viciously stabbing Scare-Crow in the belly again. He kept on screaming in pain. "Stop laughing..." whispered Batman. "Stop laughing... STOP LAUGHING!!!" he growled as he kept on stabbing Scare-Crow in the face.

The villains begin to back away from The Batman, starting to have their balls drop.

The Joker kept on laughing and laughing.

"STOP... LAUGHING!!!" sobbed Bruce.

Bruce then angrily tears off Scare-Crow's face as he screams in agony. "I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU!!!" sobbed Bruce. "RAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!"

Bruce grabs the center of Scare-Crow's skull and begins opening his head like a coconut, revealing his brain which splatters all over the cement.

Many of the villains begin running away, hiding again as The Joker and Harley just stayed there.



Suddenly, all the villains fall to the ground, dead. Even Harley.

The Joker kept on laughing and laughing.

Batman stands up, very slowly, staring at The Joker. He's grabbing his face. Robin's blood is all over his face. He stares at The Joker, smirking.

"Well? Your call, Batman! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Batman smirks. "Heheh... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..." he laughs maniacally with a sinister voice. 


"Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh..." cackled Bruce.

"Why...?" The Joker begins to realize what's happening. "Why... are you laughing...?"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..." he laughed softly. "Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

"Stop laughing. You're not supposed to be laughing. You're supposed to cry and brood. I laugh. You brood... That's how... That's how it works..."

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