Chapter 1 Before the beginning

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In this story Justin is still 17 years old and I'm 17 too, but to be honest that's not where this story really starts.

I'm probably in kindergarten, and I'm sitting in front of the T.V. watching Hannah Montana, this is where the dream of becoming famous comes in. I've always wanted to be famous for acting and singing and it has always been for Miley Cyrus. I've always looked up to her and wanted to be like her when I grew up. Some of this hasn't changed, I remember being in the car with my friend listening to Radio Disney, the only radio station I still listen to now, and I was maybe 12 now I didn't really yet know who this Justin Bieber guy was. I decided I really already liked him, but I had no idea who he was. Then one day I was flipping through channels and saw True Jackson VP or something and saw this guy, this Justin Bieber and right away I remember thinking he was super cute.

My thoughts: Wow so this is that Justin Bieber guy he's pretty cute....

I remember watching "Never Say Never" at this same age when I had grown to liking him, I'd watch it over and over again and listen to his music over and over again. At one point or another when I watched it I knew this is what I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life, but I saw how hard it was to keep things private or still being 100% honest with everyone about almost everything, so my plan was to have a secret name, that name was Sabrina Allison. I've always wanted to be her, I've always wanted to be famous, and one of my very best friends had got me hooked up on him, after a while though she had started liking Cody Simpson more and more than Justin Bieber I started liking Cody too, but no one could replace Justin.

My mom and my sister liked him too, but not as much as I did, right now one of the first things you see if you were to walk into my room would be Justin Bieber, a huge poster of him, and next to my wall a college I have created myself. My dad and my younger brother though they never liked him, and now over the past couple years that Justin has been said to be doing "bad things" I feel like sometimes I'm one of the few people that still love him. My Parents are now off bored of this whole Justin Bieber thing but I'm going to always stay true. To dreams I've had about being his girlfriend and actually living my dreams being friends with all kinds of celebrities, to reading all kinds of odd fan fiction, that right there is what has convinced me to create my own.... (Let's see I'm righting this at 12:00am and I have work tomorrow at my camp I work at but eh) I will always love Justin and all my other favorite celebrities wishing I will some day be famous my dream coming true but for now I'm just a dreamer. So bare with me and let's so how this all turns out.

Chapter 1 complete I've got a whole lot more where this came from :)

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