Chapter 10 Dreams meet reality and Jason McCann

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This whole chapter is my POV

In the morning I wake up and it's Tuesday, I yawn saying.... "Good morning Jazmyn good morning Justin" No one answers, I then remember they all sleep in the basement and so I get ready for school and go down stairs to the main floor. I say good morning to my mom and open our basement door and yell, Good morning! I still get no answer. Farrah who are you talking to? Justin and his family? Who now? Justin and his family? What are talking about? Yeah I think you lost it sweetheart. My mom says. My siblings laugh at me and are like, good one mom she's now just losing it. She lost it when she was born! Now, now children, I'm sure your older sister is just talking about a dream she had last night. No it couldn't be a dream it was much too real. We just got back from NYC from the wedding! Yes? And at the airport, well I guess on the airplane I sat next to Jazmyn Bieber and Justin and his mom were sitting behind us and they said they were moving here, they're still supposed to be here we were housing them until their house is finished. I even got an email saying I was showing around and taking to class some new students that are my age. I think you're mistaking dear. No I'm not you went shopping yesterday with his mom so you couldn't pick me up from play practice. Justin came and picked me up yesterday. I think you've had one heck of dream dear.

It wasn't a dream! I'm telling the truth! I knew she was crazy but not this crazy! I'm not being crazy right now! Honey calm down and take a deep breath. You were dreaming now eat your breakfast quickly so hurry up. I mumbled sitting in my usual seat. Had it all really been a dream?! No I knew for a fact they were pulling my leg and I bet it was all Justin's doing maybe he had a neat surprise in store, but I knew that was all to real to be a dream. Then I got a call from an unknown number.....

????: Hi is this Farrah?
Me: Yes who is this and how did you get my number?
????: I'm the new student my name is Jason McCann and my sister Jade and we are new students at your high school.
Me: I knew I hadn't at least dreamt that part!
????: I'm sorry?
Me: Um.... Nothing I'll be there soon....
????: Actually someone already volunteered to this morning.
Me: But that's impossible I'm supposed to be doing it.
????: Nothings impossible if you just Believe.
A new voice is heard form the background..... Yeah don't worry everything's gonna Be Alright.
????: It's ok Baby just next time Pray no one get's to us first, and remember Never say Never!
The same other voice is says.... Baby when U Smile, we'll be smiling too.
They laughed and hung up.

Who was that dear? IDK they said Jason McCann, that name sounds familiar. Best not worry about it now Farrah now off to school both of you just get in the car. When I get to school I see my usual friends. Then on my way to class my friend and myself skip to class like the weirdo's we are. Then the clock strikes 8:00am signaling that classes have started for the day once again. Sun glasses on hat on my head chilling like a boss in class, like I said if I don't have to follow the rules then I might as well have a little bit of fun. Then the announcements come on. They say "Attention students! We have new students at our school today with us some very special guests, guests that belong to Farrah our best student and kindest Hawk we shall all welcome them both with open arms, their names are Jason McCann and Jade McCann they are new to our school I want everyone to treat them like normal kids and not bother them of any kind. That is all please resume your classes!" That's when I remember that name. So this is why everyone was acting strange this is my surprise I was talking about they transferred to my school.

Then a few minuets into class they come in. Surprise they yell we're in this 1st hour class. They told us to do that every time we entered a class. The teachers and staff all knew who they really were. And in my story he is hated by none. Welcome to our class Ju-Jason McCann and Jade. Please sit where ever you'd like. Oh boy I thought sitting low in my chair hat covering my face same as my sun glasses. Oh right you're Farrah's friends I'm sure it's great for her to know such "special" people. Yes I suppose "special" would be the correct word for us. Farrah where are you? My teacher asks. Oh boy I think..... This gonna be a long day. I decide there's no way out of this so I stand up and walk to the front of the class where I am then told to introduce my friends, Well you heard the intercom so there's nothing for me to tell and I'm sure they wouldn't had minded telling you all about themselves. Tell us how you met. Well I say standing next to them.... Jazmyn then whispers.....I had nothing to do with this. Of course not Jade. Well Jade I met sitting next to on an airplane ride home I say hugging her. And as for Jason, well we've been, great friends for a few months now. Haven't we Jason..... Justin I'm gonna get you back for this! This is not funny I liked the surprise, but not when you scare me half to death making my family think I'm crazy! Yes, they want to know how we met Farrah, he says trying to tap my noes as I try to bite it off.

The class just giggles. Eh hem.... Our teacher says as she clears her throat. Proceed please Farrah. Right, so it was on YouTube and I made a video of me lip singing songs that sound horrible because well nothing I do is great because I can't and don't actually sing, I just thought it would be funny to try and he messaged me saying how good I sounded and we got to talking, but then we lost contact for a while until the plane ride back home and now they're staying at our house and stuff until their house is being finished being built. I say as I had wrapped my arm around his waist "hugging" him with one hand sometimes talking through my teeth..... It's not that I hated them or was embarrassed or didn't want to claim them as belonging to me, I couldn't it was announced over the entire school. Almost every other word that I spoke about him I was so annoyed with Justin I squeezed his side and he jumped, ha serves him right I'd make a mental note to remember that little weakness later I just was gonna keep that same weakness a secret from him as long as I possibly could. He tried to do it back so I bit my lip to keep from yipping or laughing.

Jazmyn had smirked at me sending me a text, I looked down at it....
Jazmyn: Ha you two are so funny I'm sure you've got a lot more than just your sensitive skin. She said with a wink face.
Me: I don't know what you're talking about I said with a sticking tongue face.
Jazmyn: Yeah so you aren't anything like my brother and it was my imagination that it looked like to me that he tried to tickle you back while you held your tongue?
Me: Scared dang it face....
Jazmyn: Ha I knew it....
Me: Yeah, yeah just don't let Justin find out.
Jazmyn: Your secret's safe with me.
Me: Oh yeah I also lied about the singing I sing and act and have wonderful confidence, which BTW I don't have in real life.
Jazmyn: How much of your dreams are actually real?
Me: Not much of it.
Jazmyn: All you need now are powers better siblings and abusive parents and to meet the rest of the gang and become famous for acting and singing and to date my brother and to live happily ever after!
Me: Like that's gonna happen....
Jazmyn: The powers siblings and abusive parents might not come true, but who says those other things can't?
Me: I wish, besides secretly I've always been in love with your brother, too bad he'd never go out with me.
Jazmyn: He might you never know....
Me: Jazmyn, he's Justin flipping Bieber he can have whoever he wants!
Jazmyn: IDK, she says in a sing song teasing voice text.
Me: Roll my eyes
Justin: Hey you two pay attention.
Me: If you haven't noticed Bieber I can do what I want and nobody cares, I'm nothing to them and yet they help me keep my secrets secret and let me do what I want.
That was the end of that.

The next chapter is the rest of the day and play practice.

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