Eighty Three

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JazBenham via Instagram stories

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JazBenham via Instagram stories

Lacey sat in the bedroom that she shared with Mason, it felt cold and empty. Not a sound could be heard across the house, not even the patter of Mounts paws across the flooring. She knew she was the only one in the house, the twins were staying with Lacey's Mum at Callum's, being New Years Eve they had decided that they needed to celebrate the year that they had had, but Lacey was beside herself knowing that the twins wasn't here, Mason had popped into Cobham for the first time since Lacey had given birth, a team meeting being called bu Tuchell, but Lacey wished that Mason would of still been in bed with her, not wanting their bubble of the four of them and the dog to change, but she knew it would over time.

"Babe, I'm back" Mason shouted, as she heard the front door close, and his shoes squeaking across the floor she hadn't long mopped, and she silently prayed to herself that he was clean for once, as it was the first time in days that she had, had the time to clean the house, and have a shower without being interrupted. "Babe?" Mason questioned, as he poked his head inside the room, seeing Lacey sat on the bed, her phone next to her, as she stared out into world she could see from the window. "Lace?" Mason whispered, as he sat down on the bed next to her, smiling at her briefly as he took in her features. "I don't want everything to change" Lacey whispered, as Mason studied her face, his eyebrows raising slightly, but he knew from past experiences not to question her, and to let her speak in her own time. "That's sad isn't it" Lacey whispered, as she laughed to herself, shaking her head. "It's not sad babe" Mason whispered, as he pulled Lacey into his lap, his fingers playing with her hair softly. "It is though, but it just feels like a home, it feels like a family home" Lacey whispered, as she opened her phone up, scrolling through the various photos and videos she had taken on the last few days. "It'll always be home Lace" Mason breathed, as Lacey nodded her head. "I know, it'll always be home, but I just think like, what if you miss important things" Lacey mumbled. "They'll crawl, they'll walk, what if you're not here for that" Lacey whispered. "I didn't think of it like that" Mason whispered. "I think of it that I'll come home and see my favourite people, I'll tuck my babies into bed, and then we will sit with a hot drink and talk about our days, you'll tell me how they've drove you insane and you've hated that I've come back and fussed them and spoilt them, and I'll kiss you, and we will cuddle before we get into our bed, and I'll hold you close, and tell you how much I love you, and I'll get up and do a night feed because I know you've had a bad day and you're tired" Mason breathed. "And then one day I'll be away from training and we will take the kids to the park, you'll take photos of me with them, and I'll moan how I never have a photo of you with them, so I'll start to take more" Mason smiled, as he traced circles up his arm. "And then we will talk about our wedding day, we will laugh about the memories that are to come, and the house will never be quiet" Mason smiled. "Because this is us Lace, I'll play them your music and you'll sit with them in the stands watching me play football, or sit at home with everyone, the twins crawling all over Jack and Dec, but they'll never mind, because we're one big family" Mason smiled, as he pressed a kiss to Lacey's temple.
"This is us, I'll always remember the parts of our life before the twins, but I promise, that I'll never waste a moment of the future" Mason smiled. "I got you" he whispered, as Lacey turned to look at him. "I got you too" Lacey smiled, as she pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Yo where's Lace?" Jack shouted over the music that was bumping through the speakers, the floor beneath them shaking from the vibrations. "She was here a minute ago" Mason mumbled, as he scanned the room, trying to find his fiancée in the crowd, there was no way on earth he was bringing in the new year without his fiancée by his side. "Mase, you've literally got minutes to find her" Declan chuckled, as he held Lauren in his arms, holding a hand over her stomach, Mason smiling briefly at his friend, knowing that he was about to experience everything Mason was. "Where could she be though?" Mason laughed, as he began to become frustrated, his eyes never finding the green ones that he wanted to. "Who's she talking to?" Sasha questioned to Jack, as Sasha and Jacks eyes landed on Lacey in a corner of the room, a males figure standing next to her, an arm around her shoulders, as Lacey shook her head at what he was saying. "Go over" Sasha mumbled, as she pushed Jack towards them, Jack shaking his head.

"What's going on? Lace your man's wanting you" Jack mumbled, as Lacey looked up at him, before she turned back to the male in front of her. "Who are you?" Jack muttered, as Lacey looked at Jack again. "It don't matter who I am" The voice bellowed, as Lacey looked at Jack shaking her head. "Jack you know who this is" Lacey muttered, as the male turned around to smile at Jack, as Jack shook his head, pulling Laceys arm, which she was thankful about. "Why didn't you fucking text" Jack muttered, as him and Lacey walked back over to the group, the timer hitting 20 seconds to new year. "Please don't say anything to Mase" Lacey whispered, as Masons eyes found his fiancée, Lacey smiling at him. "Where have you been?" Mason mumbled, as he kissed the top of her head, the room counting down around them.
"'Nowhere important" Lacey smiled, as Mason nodded his head, his fingers playing with her ring finger, smiling down at the engagement ring.


"Happy new year baby" Mason whispered, as he pressed his lips to hers. "Happy new year, here's to us babe" Lacey smiled, as she pressed her lips to his again, getting lost in the cheering and the music around her, in the only place she ever wanted to be.

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