Ninety Four

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Introducing, Mrs Mount ❤️

Tagged; LaceyMount_x

Liked by; declanrice, jackgrealish, benchilwell and 837,827 others

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"I would like to announce for the first time today, Mr and Mrs Mount!" Declan cheered as Lacey and Mason walked into the ballroom, holding their arms around each other, as Mason smiled to himself, pressing his lips to hers, earning a cheer from the room around them.

"Now, i know we don't usually do speeches until the dinner, but I already know what Lacey had planned for me for a surprise, and before i begin the evening of a married man by crying, i would like to give Lacey my present, so if you'll please take a seat with our other WAGs" Mason smirked, as Lacey rolled her eyes at her husband, it felt weird imagining that, but it was the truth set in stone now for what they were, the first step of their new life starting in this room, gathered around them with their loved one.
"Please don't tell me it's anything cheesy" Lacey mumbled, as Mason shushed her sigh his finger, kissing her cheek before he pushed her gently into the seat, laughing as he walked away to the dance floor.
"Do you know what's happening?" Lacey whispered, as Sasha and Ellie shook their heads, Lauren smiling to herself. "Loz?" Lacey questioned as Lauren shook her head laughing. "You'll see" Lauren smiled.

(If you skip to 2 minutes it's them literally dancing)

Lacey sat in awe as she watched her husband, dance around with his best friends, laughing as they put on a show. Lacey was amazed that Mason had put some thought into something that was funny, but also something that connected to her on a performing level.

"Okay, okay, since Mason has done his funny segment now, I feel like it's only right I do mine" Lacey stated, as she stood up, Mason hugging her tight for a moment. "I love you" Mason whispered, as Lacey smiled up at him. "I love you too" Lacey whispered, as she kissed him, and walked to the middle of the dance floor.
"So, as a lot of you know, my dad unfortunately passed away some time ago now, and I never dreamt of ever getting married without him, but Declan made it possible that a piece of him could be here today" Lacey smiled, as she looked at Declan, smiling at him. "Now, Mason found out about this a couple of days ago, but that's okay, because there's still a room full of people who haven't seen this, or don't know about it, so, Dec, whilst you do the honours, Lauren can you help me please" Lacey smiled, as Lauren pulled off a sheet on a piano scattered in the corner of the room, as Declan and Ben helped move it to the centre of the dance floor, as Jack took over on pulling the green screen down from the ceiling. "I know my Dad would be so proud that I've married someone like you, I know he would be kicking himself that you play for the wrong team, but I'm sure deep down, he would love you just as much as I do" Lacey smiled.

Maybe we can see you up in the stars, because I know you'll love me wherever you are, with every breath I'm taking, every single move I'm making, I know you're watching over me..

As Lacey began to sing some lyrics no one had ever heard, a song she had written and held close to her heart, Photos and odd clips of Lacey, Callum and even Jack appeared on the screen behind her.

"To the man who will one day marry my baby girl, I hope you love her and cherish the ground she walks on, she will be a big star one day, but I hope you Leo her grounded" Lacey's dads voice spoke in the background, as Lacey's fingers danced along the piano, a quiet sound to accompany him speaking. "She's a little firecracker alright, she'll make you pull your hair out on her bad days, but I promise you, her smile will light up the room" Lacey's dads voice held everyone's gaze in the room, eyes filling with tears, some eyes crying, as Lacey looked up at her dads face on the screen, smiling up at him. "I'm not going to be around to see her get married, I really wish I was, god, part of me can't wait to get rid of her" he laughed, as some of the room laughed with him, as Lacey's gaze landed on Mason, who had the tears falling down his face, a hand on his mouth. "So, to the man who will be my son in law, and my baby girl, I love you both, I'm sure you've picked a golden one Lace, I'm sure you'll be as happy as you are now, but don't forget, I'll always, always be watching over you" Her dad finished, as a video came onto the screen of Lacey and Callum playing with their dad in the garden, odd little moments from her childhood.

Maybe we can see you up in the stars, because I know you'll love me wherever you are, every step I'm taking, every single move I'm making, I know you're watching over me.
Maybe we can see you, up in the stars

As Lacey finished singing, there wasn't a dry eye in the room, even Lacey letting tears fall, as Callum and Jack ran up to her, engulfing her in a hug, Lacey's mum holding onto Masons arms, comforting him. "I love you" Callum whispered, as he held his sister close. "But god I wasn't ready for that" Jack muttered, as he rubbed his eyes, an arm draped around Lacey's shoulders.
"Think his here?" Lacey whispered, as she looked over at the seat she had left vacant, a single rose on it. "Always, his watching over us now" Callum laughed, as Lacey smiled at him.
"Now, let's get this wedding moving, we need to get slaughtered" Jack laughed, as the group of eight friends and lovers stood close to each other, engaged in a group hug.
"Here's to us" Lacey whispered.

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