Chapter 1

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I woke up bright and early at 5 am, it wasn't by choice but after years of being trained to wake up at the brink of daylight, it kinda sticks. I looked to my left and there lay Natasha sound asleep she usually wakes up an hour after me. 

I was extremely grateful for her after the red dust removed me from my control I didn't have anywhere to turn to I had no recollection of my past, my earliest memories were training, punishment and murder. When Natasha offered to take me in after she came across me on a mission I didn't back down from the idea, we were quite close in the red room.

We trained together for years before she managed to get out. I didn't resent her for not coming back and rescuing the rest of us I was simply grateful to be out now and taken in, maybe I could have a new future, one where I was doing good.

The rest of the avengers trusted Natasha so they trusted her judgement to take me in which has resulted in me living with Natasha, sharing a room in the Avengers compound. Sure the place was huge and had many spare rooms but I suppose we both liked the idea of always having someone close.

I walked into the bathroom attached to the room and quickly washed my face brushing my teeth in the process. Hygiene and looking clean was a big part of being a widow it helped us blend in when necessary. 

I got dressed in some regular black leggings and a sports bra, I laced up my trainers before heading out towards the kitchen. I walked past the couch where a sprawled-out Tony lay, I shook my head before grabbing a banana and an apple.

I threw the apple at Tony's head and started peeling the banana "lose your bed?" I asked smiling sweetly "I just- why are you awake?" Tony asked half awake and annoyed. "Thought I'd grace you with my presence" I replied throwing the banana peel away.

Tony and I had an interesting relationship from the moment we met it turned into a love-hate relationship with little to no love, he loved to test my limits and I was simply limitless which enraged him, just how I liked it.

"I liked it better when I hadn't met you," Tony said. I rolled my eyes ready to leave the room "yeah keep rolling your eyes you might find something back there" Tony said. I placed a hand on my forehead "did you google that" I asked cringing. 

"See you later Stark" I added jogging out before he could try to justify his childish behavior.


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