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You fanned yourself to give yourself a wave of fresh air. The barn was dry and dusty, the summer heat cooking the wooden structure. Daisy remained in her stall, lapping up water from her drinking tub.

"No, absolutely not," Taehyung declared, crossing his arms over his chest. He stared at your father's old bike that rested against the wooden desk.

The dust had collected on top of the banana seat from having not been used in a long while. You used to ride with your father when you were a child, but the tradition stopped once you went into high school.

With a sly smile, you wheeled your bicycle in front of you. You tried not to laugh when Taehyung tilted his head and dropped his arms. He failed to hide a grin when he grasped the handles and climbed onto the bike. His hands curled over the handlebars, displaying the muscles and veins in his hands.

You looked away. It had been hard to get out of bed that morning. You didn't want to waste more time enjoying the summer before the seasons changed.

Your white summer dress, with a small pink bow at the sweetheart neckline, billowed around your knees when you hopped on the yellow bike seat. Your saddle shoes, ones you freshly waxed a few days prior, shined in the daylight once you rode out onto the road.

Taehyung kept close behind you, seeming awkward as his long legs attempted not to hit the bars.

Once reaching the hill near the corner store, you signaled toward him to lift his feet from the pedals. He raced you down to the sidewalk, peeking back at you over his shoulder once he passed you. The brilliant smile on his face was more radiant than the hot sun that blazed down on top of your heads.

"I'm winning!" he happily shouted, almost as if he was a young boy.

Putting slight tension on your brakes, you kept behind him, allowing him to enjoy his given triumph. He nearly peeled you off your bicycle when you joined him at the bike racks, swiping you off your feet to embrace you tightly around your abdomen.

His hands remained as he stepped behind you into the store, feeling him around you as you made your way to the frozen cola machines.

Namjoon lingered his eyes on the two of you, observing in confused delight how close the two of you had become in such a short period.

Though you were used to creating frozen colas for you and Molly, Taehyung had taken it upon himself to get them himself. You eyed him with a smile as he quickly went through the store, grabbing things he had seen you carry when you were with Molly.

You hadn't realized just how well Taehyung paid attention to your interests until then. Namjoon already had two hotdogs laid in front of the register, waiting for the two of you to grab them on your way out.

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