Ch 5: A Quick Drink

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After cleaning his rifle Blitz was standing by a window and looking out at the city with both his hands behind his back, and his tail swayed loosely. Moxxie was busy studying Nixx some more and Loona was, well, on her phone like usual. Millie had bought different types liquor, Mox wanted to see which ones Nixx liked, and which ones he disliked. He accepted most of them. He even liked Absenthe, the green liquor, it seemed he liked it the most. Loona was still texting, to random individuals not Vortex. She sighed and looked over at Blitz and said "How did the killing go?" Blitz looked over at Loona and said "It was another success." He looks back out the window and says "Its pretty amazing what such little changes can do." He smiles actually very sweetly and looks and Loona again and says "I think Nixx has become our little good luck charm." Loona smiles at her father, it was something she had not done in a while. They looked at each other for some time. They were soon interrupted by Moxxie and Millie walking in. Millie was holding Nixx and Mox was holding a journal of notes that he took. "Alright, so far what I have discovered is that he likes all kinds of alcohol, I guess that makes him an official alcoholic. He especially would not allow us to see his phallus to confirm his gender."
"What the fuck is a phallus?" Blitz asked. Mox sighed and said "Penis." Loona raised one of her brows and looked over at Millie holding Nixx who just shrugged. Loona said "So what? He doesn't need to show you his dick to confirm he is a boy. Isn't that an invasion of privacy?"
Moxxie had no trouble agreeing to that but he had to admit "I know Loona I know. But it's for science. To be able to see what he is."
"It doesn't matter. If he is a, being with dignity than so be it. He doesn't need to prove anything!" Blitz then said "Its true. If that is the case, let him be." Millie hands Nixx back to Loona and says "We just, well, we just had to be sure." Loona takes Nixx and started giving him pets and then held him in front of her face. He purred more and gave her a little lick on her nose and that actually make her chuckle. Blitz smiled at that, in fact they all did. They had never seen Loona any more happier.

After getting some more work done, Loona, Millie and Moxxie decided to go out and try to get to the bar they tried to get to last time. This time they went a different way. Just in case those Scroch fuckers showed up again. Loona really didn't give a fuck about that. She just wanted to finally spend time with Nixx at a local bar and spend some more quality time with Nixx, since the Moxxie is studying a lot. Blitz actually went with them but split up to go do some more shipping himself and said "He would join them later." They got to the Bar and they walked in. So far no one had any trouble with Nixx being in there with Loona. They kind of ignored him as they drank their beers and mixed cocktails. They came up to the bar and ordered. Loona assumed Nixx was fine and she was not sure the Bartender wouldn't allow Nixx to drink any of there liquor anyway. She sipped a Blue Blazing Motorcycle mixed drink. Moxxie was having an old fashioned and Millie was having a beer. The Bartender was actually more intrigued by Nixx than troubled by his appearance. It seemed everyone was quite interested in him, at least those who actually paid attention. She spoke "Quite an interesting Animal. Mind telling me what she is?"
"He. His name is Nixx. Can't tell you what he is. Just bought him." The Bartender smiles and says "Nixx. Lovely name. I have to say you and him look. Oh how I do say it without sounding out of touch. Fitting." Loona cracked a smile. "I do have to admit. I have always liked the colors Black and Orange. And he was just so precious I couldn't pass him up." She was scratching Nixx underneath his chin and he purred loudly.

The Bartender tended to more customer's and left the three of them to enjoy their drinks. Loona was seeing if Blitz was going to show up, but he didn't. Guess he was very busy with that last minute shopping. Her mind then went straight to Austin, the small male Hellhound that was their new client. He seemed like he had a lot of humans he wanted dead, guess he must have secretly went to Earth by himself and scouted out for new targets. Maybe he even got involved with some of them, to get to know them better so he knew exactly what they were doing and why they were worthy prey. Hellhounds can disguise themselves as humans after all. Hopefully Vortex didn't think that Loona had an eye for him. No, she didn't, he looked to skinny and wimpy for her liking. He was a good constant client, but he was not her type. Vortex was more like her type than any. Besides Austin looked like he could be a gay, or maybe he was bisexual? No probably gay, in fact, the way Austin reacted to Tex was... oh fucking shit. A weird thought then came to her mind. Maybe Austin secretly had a crush on Vortex. Shit, a very strange image popped in her head. Her, Austin and Vortex all in bed together, after having a... she shook that image out of her head. She then took a big swig of her cocktail.
"Seriously, what the fuck am I thinking!?" Loona thought to herself "Am I that horny or slutty!?" No she wasn't, she had her dignity. Besides she actually wanted to have a really loving relationship with Vortex, and not get into anything that raunchy. "Burr burr~?" Nixx said nuzzling her seeing if she was OK. Loona smiles and pets him saying "Mommy's fine baby." Nixx did a coo and purred happily, he wanted to comfort her much as possible. Loona was so happy to have him, he always made her feel better. Mox then sat by Loona and said "You feeling alright? You looked like you were disturbed by something?"
"I am fine. fuck off." Loona said after she sipped her drink. Mox did a slight smile and said "Just wanted to make sure. Looks like you got the Bartender liking Nixx as well."
Loona didn't reply, she just kept sipping her cocktail. Moxxie then said "You, seem to dislike Austin?"
"Who says I dislike him? Oh, wait you." Mox smiles and shakes his head. "He is just a new client, he seems to pick out some new victims for us to kill. And so far, he's been doing a good job."

Loona was just silent, she didn't want to hear another word about Austin. She could give two fucks about Austin and his femboy looking ass. Nixx got on the bar top and laid down curled up resting. "I enjoy studying of him. He is a good boy. He just refused to do certain things, everything else we had no problem. He can defiently swim in water and has a way to change his body temperature at his own will. Just trying to confirm his gender was a real issue."
"Your trying to look at his cock of course he is going to have a problem with that." "Just didn't think he would be a creature with such an intelligent mind?" Mox replied glancing at Nixx on the Bartop. Loona sipped her drink some more and said "He does seem to have a pretty interesting way of showing intelligence. The way he knew that Verosikas car was bugging Blitz he seems to have came up with an idea to move her car." Then she thought about how he grew to a size that was way bigger than her and a bit bigger than the car. It had Loona thinking more about Nixx and what his age was. Yeah he was 60 or something? Was he really?

Nixx was now looking around the bar and observing the rest of the patrons laughing and joking with one another and drinking their drinks with out a care. He scanned most of them and they all seemed happy. One of them was a old Demon that was looking at Loona in a lustful way. Nixx glared at him with a threatening look. It was the same way he stared at Vortex, he knew that Loona was quite an attractive Hellhound but he didn't want anyone to try and get with her. He had a good reason why, he just... Well, he just didn't want to be alone. Not after what. He decided not to think about it at the moment. He went up to Loona "Murrap coo~!" He said to her as his glowing markings pulsed. Loona smiled and said "Aw do you want Mama to hold you?" She picked him up and had him clutch to her chest area and snuggled in her fur. Surprisingly it didn't hurt, in fact it was cute. Loona gave him gentle strokes as he purred. It was such a sweet feeling the vibrations coming from his purr. It was was what Loona really loved about him. She looked to see if the Bartender was looking and she said "Here. Try this." Nixx looked at her drink, stuck his head in and licked up some of the blue liquid. He seemed to like it as he drank a bit of it. He licked his lips and snuggled against Loona again resting. He seemed to have been soothed by the drink, the other contents didn't seem to bother him either. The whole situation of having to just have a drink now and being with Loona was an unexplainable feeling that made him really happy and Loona seemed happy as well.

After a while Blitz arrived and decided to have a Mai Tai and sat next to Loona. "So far the shopping went pretty well. Tomorrow is Christmas. So damn soon." Loona was stroking Nixx softly on his back and said "Yeah. This year went by sort of fast yet so fucking slow." It was like the days even the months went by so quickly and yet it felt like time didn't even have an effect in Hell like it did on Earth. Anyway that didn't even matter. Blitz then said "I got you something really nice. Including Nixx." Loona said "Well, I am looking forward to seeing them. I got you something as well too." After that they walked out of the bar heading back to the Van to head back to the IMP HQ they loaded up with Loona sitting in the front with Nixx and they drove back home.

(Sorry, this one is short.)

Helluva Boss: NIXXTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang