chapter one

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***Hermione's point of view***

Ginny and I had been invited to one of professor Slughorns dinner party’s this evening as we were part of a group of students that Slughorn had always called his trophies. In years before this had included Harry, his mother and even Tom Riddle who we now all know as Voldemort (silent T), we had both previously been in the slug club as well but since so many of our friends had now been killed or had left to join the ministry like Harry and Ron the slug club had decreased in size but we were all so much closer to each other. We were both in our dormitory getting ready for this evening alone together, our dormitory only consisted of me, Ginny and Katie Bell anyway and Katie now had a Hufflepuff boyfriend so we rarely ever saw her at night as she was often with him in the joint student rooms which had now been set up by professor McGonagall because so many students had lost family members that they preferred to stay with the remaining ones rather than in their houses at night, however these rooms were often abused for relationship means. I heard laughter coming from the common room and assumed that it was because everyone was either discussing the later quiditch game which we had won earlier that day between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. It was a good game but I am sure that the match would have been much closer if Cho had not been knocked off her broom by a stray bludger, however we had Ginny on our team so you could never tell. She was fantastic at quiditch. There was also some gossip that Malfoy had been caught in the library –reading with glasses. The speed at which gossip could go round our school was scary, this meant that if something happened at breakfast the whole school would naturally know about it by the end of first lesson. I am however afraid of this line of gossip because if anybody found out my secret, I would join the ranks of Malfoy who was now being shunned by even his most loyal followers.

                I had just finished curling Ginny’s hair for her, and she looked stunning in just her pyjamas let alone what she was getting changed into. A light blue slip on dress with a lace bodice and silk finishing. As she stepped into the dress I couldn’t help but steal a glance in the mirror at her perfect body. Small curves, fair skin and flawless hair. The glance satisfied a small hunger that was building inside me but I knew the fullness wouldn’t last long. My dress however was a pink flow dress that allowed able movement and wand extraction easily from a side pocket that I had built into it. I know that it sounds silly but when you go through what I had been through you don’t take risks. One of my best friends had been killed, brought to the court yard, woke up and then in front of me killed the dark lord. Over the years I had also seen him not only nearly kill himself but me and Ron as well. I couldn’t help but preparing myself for the worst. The dress had a zip at the back which I couldn’t quite reach by myself. I turned around. "Ginny, would you help me with my dress" I asked politely to her. As I turned back around looking at myself in the mirror, I was not a vain person but last year I had received a scar just behind the ear and I couldn’t help but feel as if everyone could see it. Ginny did not reply, but walked slowly over and placed her small and delicate hand on the small of my back letting me know that she was there. She ran her other hand down from my shoulder blades to the base of the zip causing me to flush at the now burning sensation from her touch. She then slowly and carefully -as if not to tear the dress as if it was made of tissue paper- drew the zip up to the base of my neck. She stepped back slightly and I began to feel like she was almost admiring a piece of artwork. She tucked the zip into the ziptag, and slowly smoothed down the back of my dress making sure to tuck in the lable carefully whilst caressing the back of my neck causing the hairs to stand on end. I was unsure that she knew what she was doing to me at the time. I turned around and at her carefully, staring into her beautifull eyes. They were almost the colour of the sea, blue somedays grey others and sometimes they were a mixture of the two combining like a storm in the center of the ocean causing the wind to send sprays of colour in all directions. She looked back at me into my eyes.

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