chapter sixteen

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-One week later-

***Hermione's point of view***

            Mum and dad still had not returned my letter and I was still unaware of what was actually going on with Draco. I had been given two weeks off with Ginny to recover from my injuries and it was drawing to the end of my first week. Ginny and I were still talking but the space in-between our bodies in bed had grown. I did still need her help to move. My legs worked perfectly and so did my arms but my back was stiff and a large dark purple bruise that was larger than a pot of ben and Jerrys ice cream. I woke up with a feeling that someone was staring at me. I opened my eyes.

"Morning, sweetheart." Ginny spoke softly across the bed. She had been trying to get me to talk to her all week but only tried a few times a day and then gave up realising that I was not going to talk. I didn't know if I would talk today. "How are you feeling?" I nodded gently into the pillow and pulled the cover up over my face. I was feeling slightly playful as well as rather tired. I tried to move down the bed under the covers. A small stab went down my back but I continued climbing down the bed running away from my girlfriend that was now playing cat and mouse with me. I waved my wand and placed an extension charm on the bed. I was trying to be closer. It is easier to be closer to her when I can't see her.

She caught onto the charm and chucked the covers over her head. She searched and searched for me under the covers as I moved about as nimbly as I could with my back the way that it is. We spent an hour roaming around the covers and messing around, I was nearly caught several times before ten minutes later she caught my ankle and pulled me back under her. As I closed my eyes she leant in but sensing my withdraw of closeness she simply waved her wand and we landed back at the pillows. I moved slightly closer and she stared at me with those eyes. They showed a want for what had happened to disappear and go back to what we were before. But they also showed an understanding and lovingness that showed that she would support me always.

"I'm hungry. Do you want any help getting dressed?" she asked carefully. I carefully declined and she got up. She still hadn't seen the bruise and I did not want her to. She left the room with her towel and shower robe and I pulled the cover off myself. I carefully pealed down my pyjama bottoms. I grabbed my jeans off the chair that sat by our shared desk. My next task was my top. Changing my top was painful but I managed to change into a striped polo shirt with a French navy sailor's jumper that held two buttons on the side.

As I leant over to tie my shoes Ginny walked in fully changed and with her hair falling softly over her shoulder. I smiled gently at her and she came over placing her hand on my opposite hip and we walked out of the room slowly allowing me to cope with the pain that ran through my back every third step or so. We reached the hall just as the first bell went and we stepped to the side as the last drags of students ran out of the room to their first lesson. We walked to the Gryffindor table and then sat down as a screeching sound came from the far wall. A bumbling owl came flying through and skidded across the table landing in the toast rack that had just appeared in front of us. He picked himself up and looked about before noticing us. Hobbling over to us he hopped on one leg as I took the letters that were attached to his legs. I passed the one that was addressed to Ginny over and carefully opened the letter that had my mother's neat handwriting on. I retrieved the folded piece of paper that was gently placed inside the envelope and carefully unfolded it so not to tear the soft and fragile parchment.


Try not to worry about it. You have been through a tough and testing time. I am sure that she will understand and if not try to explain to her what you are feeling and how she can help. I know that you are meant to be together as I have seen the way that you look at each other. I understand that you miss me and your father and I miss you too. It won't be long before the holidays and we will come and visit you wherever you are.

together at lastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon