chapter ten

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***Hermione’s point of view***

                We get towards the great hall where we see, a couple looking at a statue in the main hallway. I would recognise them anywhere. Why would she do this to me though? They don’t remember me, they never will. There is no reversal sp… wait, decombliviate cocoamores rememberaluse a reversal spell. The reversal spell.

                “Generva molly Weasley you did not find the reversal of obliviate. I love you so much. What do I have to do? Swish and flick or straight or …”

                “Hold it straight and say the words really clearly. I know that you can do it.”  I pointed my wand straight at the back of their heads like before.

                “Decombliviate cocoamores rememberaluse” I said clearly. Please work, please work, and please work. I chanted over and over in my head at the same time. As I finished the spell. The couple turned around. Hermione could see the memory’s just refilling themselves from the look in their eyes. They had their daughter back. They remembered.

                “And who may this young lady be, Hermione” my mother asked me as she noticed that we were holding hands still. Well, it was now or never and we had agreed that we would tell our parents the next time we saw them, I just didn’t think that I would see my parents again.

                “Well, mum, dad. It’s really nice to see you again but we well I have something to tell you.” I said nodding towards Ginny at the same time. “So I hope that you are ok with this and I hope that you will be supportive of me and who I am like you always have been.” I felt a squeeze on my hand from Ginny. “But I would like you to meet my girlfriend, this is Ginny Weasley.”

                Well what happened next was something that I did not expect. My mum and dad engulfed us both in a huge hug. “We will always support you darling, and I am glad that it is her, you have mentioned her a few times and well we had our sneaking suspicions. Didn’t we dear?” she elbowed my father.

                “Mmm, yes dear yes. But it is so good to have you back.” My father said as he held us even tighter than we thought was possible.

***Ron’s point of view***

                We had been waiting for them for ages in the great hall. Mum had told me a few weeks ago that Ginny was gay and actually had a girlfriend. I was impressed over the fact that she had found a girlfriend but was wondering who this girl was. Apparently we would find out soon enough. However today was a present for Hermione who hadn’t seen us in months and was still upset over her parents? I was glad that Ginny had organised this for her best friend as a surprise and I was a fantastic idea for a Christmas present.

                The doors opened wide and Hermione and Ginny wondered in followed by her parents. I was impressed of Ginny’s thinking about the spell and that dads old books might hold it. They were holding hands but I had seen them do that before, it meant nothing surely. Hermione was mine. I loved her.

                Hermione was in tears of happiness. “Happy Christmas Hermione” Ginny said to Hermione. Hermione looked like she might cry. She turned to Ginny taking her face between her hands and kissed her. Full on the lips. I was furious, completely and utterly furious.

                “You left me for her, my sister! You bitch Hermione, you fucking bitch” I was red, I couldn’t control myself. I stormed up to her. “We were dating, you loved me. How could you?” I practically screamed at her.

                “It was only a fucking kiss Ron. We could have died. I wanted a kiss before I died. I am sorry that you thought it was more but it wasn’t, I have loved you sister since forth year.”

                “And I have loved her since I first laid eyes on her Ron. Please just be happy for us.”

                “I can’t I loved you Hermione. You disgust me. I can’t even look at you” I stormed out very quickly and heard footsteps behind me.

                “For fucks sake Ron, really” I felt Harrys hand on my arm pulling me to stop. “Can you really not keep your anger inside you? I understand that you loved her but did you not just understand that it was a kiss we all tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen. Their meant to be your sister and best friend. Why can’t you just accept them?”

                “Because I can’t its hard.” I disaperated out just as harry stormed back into the great hall.

***Ginny’s point of view***

                Hermione was in tears, in my arms. How dare he? How fucking dare he do that to her? To us? To me? He is meant to be my brother. Harry had run out too. I was unsure if he was angry or if he was just trying to console his friend, but either way this was not how i wanted it to go. This was supposed to be nice.

                My mother came over and held us both. “Don’t worry, he will calm down. And anyway I have always thought of you as a daughter. I fully support you both.” That was all that needed to be said.

***narrators point of view***

Harry returned to the great hall and the rest of the day went by calmly. Hermione stopped crying and enjoyed the meal and the rest of the presents. They both got a jumper and scarf from Mr and Mrs Weasley and then some chocolate from harry along with a how to fly for Hermione, who still can’t and has been trying to learn for years but when you’re afraid of heights the whole flying thing doesn’t work and a quiditch monthly contract for Ginny.

The following days went by quickly and soon it was the day before school started and all was well.

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