chapter fifteen

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***Draco's point of view***

I was picked up the next day at noon, this gave me time to say goodbye to anyone and for the school to make preparations for my impending trial. At the strike of the first bell of noon, the large hospital doors opened and two large men walked in — auras. They marched over to me.

"Draco Malfoy. You are being arrested on six charges. You will be taken to the ministry of magic where you will be trailed on these charges. If you are found guilty, the Malfoy name will be stricken from the magical name book, your magical powers will be taken and all memory apart from your most painful memories and you will be placed in a muggle mental asylum where you will live out your days. Do you understand Mr Malfoy?" I nodded solemnly as the auras released the charms on my arms and lifted me under my armpits and aperated out.

We arrived at the ministry within seconds I was taken to bellow the court rooms, somewhere I had never been. I had been in the court rooms, the prophesies rooms and many others but never here. This is the reason, this is the room that they keep the dangerous criminals in, the room that they keep those that are a danger to the public and themselves.

I was secured in the cage and I as the door was charmed the cage was reeled up into the court room. The room hushed. A hammer hit the block three times even though it was not needed. The trial began.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, you are charged on the terms of six offenses. These are the following:

Number one, premeditated attempted rape of Miss Hermione granger.

Number two, premeditated abuse of Miss Hermione granger.

Number three, for imprisoning for a premeditated period of time without permission.

Number four, attempting to attack a fellow student whilst trying to rescue Miss Hermione granger.

Number five, using the cruciartus curse, an unforgivable curse, on Miss Hermione granger.

Finally number six, breaking the terms of your probation on the terms of becoming a death eater.

You should know the terms already but in case you have forgotten, you are not allowed to leave the dormitory before seven in the morning and you should have returned by seven at night. You are not allowed to receive more than two detentions per week and you must not get into trouble with the law.

You have broken all of these. During your time in the hospital a memory was taken from you that memory has already been shown to the court. A memory was also taken from miss granger as well. This too was shown. Do you understand everything Mr Malfoy." Spoke the minister. I nodded very solemnly. "Therefore I address the jury. Do you find Mr Draco luscious Malfoy guilty or not guilty?" he turned to the court.

A large man in red robes stood. He needed no conference. The court had made up their mind. I knew what the verdict would be.

"Guilty. Minister" he bowed slightly as he said it. My heart sunk even though I knew that would happened. I had hoped that something might have happened. The minister took an intake of breath as he was about to deliver my sentence. I remembered something about being banished into a muggle society.

"You Draco Lucius Malfoy, are sentenced to a life of distance. Your memory will be wiped. Your powers taken. The name of Malfoy shall die with you. You will be placed in a muggle mental asylum and you will be left with nothing but the things in your trunk. You will eventually go mad. I am appalled at this. I had believed that you would have changed after your second chance. But no. goodbye Mr Malfoy."

With that, I was lowered back into the under chamber. A wizard approached me with his wand held out. I started to shake. "Obliviate" he spoke. Taking all my memories with it. I lost everything, I can't remember a thing. There are just these strange moving photos on the desk. I try to scream and move but my arms are locked behind my back in a straightjacket.

It is over.

***Hermione's point of view***

I was discharged today, it was a few days after the incident and it still hurt to move a little so I had to always have someone with me and this provided the perfect excuse for Ginny to always be touching me. However this was also a problem.

I felt, something that I did not completely understand. I felt so lost. I couldn't stand anyone's touch, at all. I felt so unsafe. The only time that I did feel safe was when she was near me. But I couldn't stand the talking or listening or close personal touching. I wanted my mother. I decided to write to her hoping that she would understand and comfort me.

'Dear mum,

I don't know what to say. First I miss you so very much. I only just got you back and now we are into the second week and something terrible happened to me and it hurts. I just want you.

I don't know if you have heard but Draco Malfoy tried to rape me the other day and used the cruciartus curse on me as well. It is hard to say but I don't know what is happening and I want you so desperately to hold me and look after me, but I know that you can't. I miss yours and daddy's hugs.

I have tried to let Ginny comfort me but I can't stand to let anyone touch me. I feel so weak and helpless. I want to let Ginny near me and she has to help me move but other than that it scares me and I feel so. So I don't know what to do.

I am so sorry for bothering you with this but I needed to talk to you.

Love Hermione.


I whistled to crookshanks who then took the letter that I had sealed to the owlery where it was sent to my mother.

***Ginny's point of view***

'Dear mum,

Hermione was released from hospital today after Draco used the cruciartus curse on her and really tried to hurt her.

She is still in a lot of pain though therefore I have to help her move about. The only problem is that I don't think she can stand my touch or anyone's to be fair.

I am scared though that I will lose her though. Sorry that it is short but I just needed to talk to someone.


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