Chapter twelve:

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***narrators point of view***

The girls got back to the castle at just past ten after dancing and messing around. As they made their way back to the castle the girls gave each other one last meaningful hug and a quick kiss before pushing the main doors open to reveal a corridor of students making their way to their own dormitories. Once in the common room they made their way straight up to their rooms where they got changed and set the alarm for five o'clock in the morning before falling asleep in each other's arms.

***Ginny's point of view***

I woke up with a loud annoying ringing tone next to my ear. I felt Hermione in my arms, I opened my eyes just in time to see her leaning over me -giving the perfect view of her cleavage — turning the alarm of. I closed my eyes and put my head back into the pillow. I hate school mornings. Five am wakeups, every lesson lasting two hours and at least three of them per day. I did however love that I would wake up holding my beautiful girlfriend in my arms every morning.

As I was nearly back to sleep, when I felt the covers being ripped off me and a falling sensation. Wait that is not a falling sensation. I was falling. The wooden floor came into contact. Ow, that hurt a little. I looked over to my beautiful brunet laughing in the corner of the room slowly buttoning her white school shirt up. And doing her tie up. Before carefully pulling on her V-neck jumper and skirt. She looked at me with such affection.

I got out of bed as she started to do her hair, and got dressed very quickly. However even though being in my seventh year I still had not learnt how to do a tie up. I had figured out in my second week that I couldn't actually do ties and just tying it in a knot did not work. Therefore I hatched a cunning plan and asked Hermione to help me with my tie. She had done it from that day forwards. It was an excuse for her to touch me and I got a small thrill from it every morning.

True to her character of routine, she came over and wrapped the tie around my neck before tying and planted a small kiss on my cheek. We were ready so slipped our shoes on, not bothering to do my hair and walked down to the great hall.

As soon as we entered, I felt something off. We were standing close together, not holding hands but close, very close. As we walked over to our table, sytherin was looking at us and some people sniggering. I saw Draco laughing. Then as we sat down I felt Hermione tense next to me and looked up to see Draco staring at her.  We ate quickly and then left together.

As we got up so did Draco. The back of my throat went dry. I was scared. I am never normally scared. The only time that I have been scared over the years have been when it comes to losing Hermione. I wasn't even scared when playing quiditch or being knocked of my broom.

***Draco's point of view***

Were they trying to flaunt their love in front of me? I hadn't told anyone what I had seen that day in the three broomsticks but the whole house was whispering about how pansy had been caught cheating with Luna Lovegood, yes I know the lunny bag that was so peaceful and lovely had been caught with pansy- the sytherin princess.

Now it wasn't the fact that she was gay that bothered me, no that was fine - well I say fine not that I was going to let them girls know that — I am pretty sure that Blaise was batting for the other side anyway.

I realised that I was staring at Hermione. I had always had a small crush on her, well who couldn't she was smart, funny and kind. They got up, and before I realised it I was following them out of the hall. I stalked up behind them and pushed them both into the nearest classroom.

"I can't believe you, I know you're together. I just can't believe that you actually got together."

"Wait, how do you know about us? We don't make it obvious we have always been very close anyway."

"Oh wouldn't you like to know. I saw you kiss in the three broomsticks."

Both of the girl's faces went white. I had saw Ginny check to see if anyone was around before she kissed her. I knew that they didn't realise that I was there.

"And I suppose that you would like to keep it a secret. But what would that do as a favour for me. I'll let you know what I want in return" and I walked out of the door just like that leaving them, scared and wondering. I didn't want anything really. I did however want to wreak havoc in their lives for a week or so.

***narrators point of view***

The rest of the day went really slowly, with the six hours of lessons mixed in with Draco's smug looks and daring faces to try and scare the girls. They missed dinner and went to bed not wanting to see anyone. As they discussed what they should do, they eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

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