chapter three:

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*** Hermione***

We had now circled the corridor twice and were about to circle it again when the door appeared. I opened the door and Ginny skipped inside grabbing my hand and pulling me inside as well, the door closed behind us and it locked, then disappeared. On one side of the room was a roaring fire, with a large deep cushioned chair that was big enough to fit two people comfortably. On the other side was a large king sized bed with dark heavy curtains. I didn’t ask for the bed so either the room has developed some initiative or Ginny had. I was liking her thinking. I was definitely not this innocent girl that everyone saw on the outside at all, I had dark secret that Ginny now knew, and I also had a deep desire for her. Yes I was definitely studious and I enjoyed my studies but I definitely was not perfect or innocent any more.

                The minute the door closed behind us and made a clicking noise Ginny placed one hand behind my neck and kissed me. Her hand was so soft and gentle but she had so force behind it. She pulled me in with urgency and placed her other hand under my legs sweeping me into the air and carrying me to the chair, all the while kissing me. I was returning this passion with equal force and as she lay me down I pulled her on top of me kissing her hand. She pulled away to breath and whispered “I really like you Hermione granger,” she whispered softly into my ear, “I’ve always really liked you Hermione”. I decided to take a brave move, even though I want to carry on kissing her. “Can you tell me about when you realised that you were, mmm different Ginny” I spoke into her neck softly. She nodded carefully and rolled over so I was on top of her and she was caressing my hair. I loved it when she did that.

*** Ginny***

“Well, actually it was during the sorting ceremony, at the very beginning of first year. Do you believe in love at first sight Hermione?” I asked. Her shoulders shrunk slightly. I don’t think that she understood that I was talking about her. “As I was sorted into Gryffindor I met eyes with a witch that was very beautiful and was in the year above. I could see there though that she didn’t see herself as beautiful and many others didn’t see it either. This witch smiled at me as I sat down and inside something just clicked. A lot of people say that you cannot recognise such feelings at the age of eleven and a bit. I have to disagree with that statement though because I did.” Hermione sunk even lower. “Did she die in the war Ginny” she asked, “Hermione look at me please”, I asked placing my thumb on the base of her chin pulling her head up to look at me. “Hermione that witch is not dead, that witch is here today with me, that witch has been kissing my face of for the last two hours, Hermione that witch was you” I said carefully. “Yes I have dated several people over the years but that was only because my brothers started to pick on me, and of course to keep up pretences as to be fair it does look a little weird being here for seven years and never going out with anyone. But Hermione, it has always been you” she stopped me there with a kiss on the lips, it was not rushed but gentle and loving showing that she understood. That was all I ever asked for.


I kissed her gently to make her stop, I understood now. Those admiring looks when she was younger, the waking up to her just looking at me sometimes, just wondering. “wow all this time I asked, you’ve been feeling that’ I asked quite simply in amazement, she was definitely the opposite to her brother who had the emotional range of a teaspoon. “Yes” she replied staring so longingly to my eyes. “Hermione will you tell me yours” she said. I nodded.

                “When I smiled at you at the sorting ceremony, I didn’t imagine in my wildest dreams that it would lead to something more. You were placed in my dorm room which already had me, Katie and Lavender in. I really appreciated you as a friend and someone to turn to when in need. But when Viktor asked me to the yule ball in fourth year and I thought that I was waiting for your brother to ask me and then I saw your disappointment with me spending more and more time with Viktor I started to feel something more than friendship for you. I wanted to make you happy beyond your wildest dream. I felt something stirring deep in my heart. And this was topped when you agreed to with Nevil and I felt so much Jealousy topped with your dress and me doing your hair. And then over the last several years these feelings have become so much stronger but I managed to hide then until last night. You placed your hand on my back when you were zipping up my dress and it felt like it was on fire. And then when you stepped closer I nearly kissed you but Katie came in.” Ginny just looked at me. I was a little unsure if that was good or not. A piece of loose hair fell into my eyes and she brushed it out and tucked it behind my ear. “Is that enough talking now Hermione?” Ginny asked very seductively in my ear. I answered with a long hard kiss. A very passionate kiss. She joined in and our lips moved in sync together working as a team. She stood up and pushed me against the wall. She moved her hand along my body and kissing and sucking on my sweet spot making sure to playfully lick my scar sending shivers down my spine. Her hand reached the base of my top and tugged slightly. I signed to her that it was ok and she pulled the top over my head as I pushed her towards the bed, both of her eyes were filled with lust.

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