chapter six

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***Hermione’s point of view***

I woke up first this time. We had only done it twice but every time that I was with her it felt so easy and that we had known each other all our lives. She was kind, gentle and intelligent. I lay there, looking at her as she slept, well I thought that she was sleeping. “I know that you’re staring at me you naughty girl” she mumbled to me as she rolled over to stare at me. Her eyes were a stormy colour today as she raised her hand to swipe a piece of hair out of my eyes. She now called it the ‘Hermione curl’ it was the same piece of hair that always fell into my eyes. As she wiped it away she knelt down on the bed straddling me. She kissed me hard on the lips. I moved in sync with her for a long time and then pushed her off of me onto the bed beside me before kicking the covers of and running down to the common room.

I heard footsteps following me as I dashed over the sofa. Her hand was quickly on my wrist pulling me back. We both fell on the sofa me landing on top of her. She pulled me down into a kiss and I was happy to comply. My stomach grumbled, and I sat up.  “Hungry” Ginny asked, I nodded in response and we both got up. We were currently only in our underwear, we hadn’t seen each other completely naked yet but we were getting there. We walked upstairs together and got dressed into some clothes. I wore a light blue dress with tights and a soft cardigan with my hair loose as always so that it would hide my scar. Ginny came out of the bathroom in jeans, a green tee shirt and a Gryffindor cardigan. I took her hand and we walked through the commons, without any shoes. Neither one of us had done that before so this was a new experience for the both of us. We walked down to the great hall hand in hand as well not afraid to let anyone see since there was no one to see.

Breakfast was laid out for six of us as since it was the holidays the professors decided to sit with us. There was myself, Ginny, professor McGonnigall, professor Trelawney, professor slughorn and madam price the librarian. Filtch decided that he wouldn’t join anyone to eat as he preferred to eat alone with Mrs Norris his cat. As we entered the hall holding hands we didn’t care because these were the teachers that we trusted. They turned towards us, took one look and went back to their food. They didn’t care, it might not be seen as the social normality but they were teachers in a school with lots of pupils over a thousand before the war. This meant that they must have seen it before a lot if anything. Ginny and I sat opposite each other as the food appeared on the table as per every day.

McGonnigall was discussing some new books that had come into the library with Madame price and Trelawney was in deep conversation with professor Slughorn about some potion that was going to improve a student of hers mental stimulation because they were struggling with keeping awake during divination. I was about to suggest using a splice of gillyweed - which is traditionally used for breathing underwater  but there was a recent study being led about the effects of gillyweed when used in tiny amounts on sleep evasion – when I noticed that Ginny was staring at me. “What are you looking at” I mouthed to her across the table. She nodded towards me. I smiled.

After breakfast, we walked out towards the library. We had decided that we would spend the day in one of my favourite places. I led her over to my favourite section. The muggle fairy tales that I had been brought up with. I took down the ‘Grims brother’s fairy tales book’. We sat on the large leather sofa, her head in my lap as I started reading to her. I started on sleeping beauty, and then went on to the princess and the frog. I didn’t tell her the titles to any of them, I just forgot but when I started to read the princess and the frog she just looked at, staring deep into my eyes. “This is the one where she kisses the frog and he turns into a prince right?” she stared at me waiting for confirmation. “Ginny how did you know?” I replied with disbelief. Just wondering how she knew. She didn’t grow up with these stories. They were babity rabity and the cackling pot or the tales of the three brothers. I knew because Dumbledore had left me his copy of the magical world’s version of fairy tales but these were more realistic to them. 

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