chapter eleven

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***narrators point of view***

The night before the girls had visited the library late at night keen to get some last minute revision in before the new term started and everywhere was flooded with students, therefore cutting of their privacy. At about one o clock in the morning the girls had moved over to the sofa by the fire and decided to read some fairy tales which they had recently discovered was a favourite activity of their. They read for two hours before both girls began to grow tired and returned to their dorm room where they talked for an hour before falling asleep with Hermione holding Ginny close in her arms. Unbeknown to Ginny Hermione had received a parcel and had written a short note to go with it, whilst sending an order form to the kitchens.

***Hermione's point of view***

I woke up late still holding Ginny in my arms. I checked my watch and saw that it was one o'clock in the afternoon. I carefully and silently got up as slowly as possible to avoid making too much movement and therefore waking her up. I had asked harry to send a package to me with her correct size the day before. I went over to the wardrobe and took my wand out. I whispered a small spell causing all of her clothes be simply invisible.

I then placed a box at the end of the bed with a beautiful blue bow on the top. I then placed the letter that I had written last night in between the ribbon grabbed my things and headed out to get everything else ready.

***Ginny's point of view***

I woke up to an empty bed but felt something heavy on my feet. There was a large box with blue ribbon and a piece of paper wedged in between the ribbon. I decided that I would get dressed first and then open the parcel.

I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it to find it completely empty. I was very confused. I walked back to the bed and opened the note.

'Ginny do not be angry that I have hidden your clothes. Inside the box there is a surprise for you and I know that it will fit as I asked your mother what size you wear. Please wear it. Then follow the arrows.

All my love Hermione xxx'

Well I was not angry at all, she would never do anything to hurt me on purpose, I was however still confused over what was going on. I carefully pulled the bow apart and opened the lid to reveal a beautiful blue dress with satin undercoating. I pulled it out to reveal its full length. It was about knee length with no shoulder straps.

I slipped the dress on and did my hair up in a messy bun, before realising that I had no shoes either but because Hermione was Hermione there was a pair of beautiful blue pumps that were at the bottom of the box. I also carefully slipped them on too and then headed to the door grabbing a light jacket from the door which had been left alone so I assumed that it was ok to wear.

I exited the bedroom to find an arrow on the floor pointing towards the common room. I followed the arrows which led me towards the Black Lake Forest. As I got towards the forest edge I saw twinkling lights moving through the trees. It was only four o clock — what you can't blame me I needed my beauty sleep, plus I don't do well on very little sleep- and the sun was setting just beyond the trees and I could see a warm glow coming of a patch of land not too far into the forest.

I headed towards the warm glow through the trees and once I stepped past two large oaks, a warm breeze started to fill the air around me. I removed my jacket, it was that warm. As I continued towards the light, I saw a beautiful satin rug spread carefully and delicately on the floor. Surrounding the rug, little plates of food were delicately placed and a hush of music slowly wafted through the air.  

Hermione stood in a clearing by the blanket, her mouth open. "Wow Ginny, you look beautiful." She practically stuttered. "I never thought I would see you in a dress," "well it's your fault Hermione, you hid all my other clothes" "well I didn't hide them exactly, I just made them invisible, I thought you would have at least checked rather than just look." "Well that is just a little mean. I might have to punish you just a little" "well what are you going to do?" "Oh I don't know, how about this?" I leant over a kissed her gently. But then pulled away very quickly just to tease her.

"Well that's just not fair, anyway let's eat." Hermione said pulling me down to the floor. We took small bites and bits and pieces feeding each other little things every now and then. It was a very long meal. I hadn't noticed that the sun had actually set and the little lights were shining brightly.

"Hermione?" I looked up at her. "Mmm," "why is it not cold here? Is it a spell?" she nodded just as the music changed. "Finally! Ginny my beautiful girlfriend would you like to dance." She said helping me up onto my feet. "Of course." I replied.

***Hermione's point of view***

                The song that I had been waiting for finally started to play and I picked Ginny up asking her to dance with me. The song was Tenerife Sea. But the music itself was only a backing track. I wanted to actually sing the words to her, to make her feel special.

                I took her in my arms and pulled her in close by the waist. I placed my hands gently on her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck, we started to sway to the music. I moved my hand to the back of her neck and undid her hair, letting it fall down her neck and back, caressing her shoulder blades perfectly. Then I started to sing as she rested her head gently back on my shoulder and I moved my hands back to her sexy waist.

You look so wonderful in your dress, I love your hair like that. The way it falls on the side of your neck, down your shoulders and back.

We are surrounded by all of these lies, and people who talk too much, You got the kind of look in your eyes, As if no one knows anything but us.

And should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's enough for me, because all that you are is all I'll ever need.

I'm so in love, so in love, so in love, so in love

You look so beautiful in this light, Your silhouette over me, The way it brings out the blue in your eyes is the Tenerife Sea, And all of the voices surrounding us here they just fade out when you take a breath.

Just say the word and they'll all disappear into the wilderness, and should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's enough for me, because all that you are is all I'll ever need.

I'm so in love, so in love, so in love, so in love

Lumiere, darlin' Lumiere over me Lumiere darlin' Lumiere over me Lumiere darlin' Lumiere over me Lumiere darlin' Lumiere over me Lumiere darlin' Lumiere over me  Lumiere darlin' Lumiere over me

And should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's enough for me, because all that you are is all I'll ever need

So in love, so in love, so in love, so in love

You looked so wonderful in your dress, I loved your hair like that. And in the moment I knew you dear.

As the music finished Ginny stared at me, deeply. "I didn't know that you could sing." "Well, I don't sing very often to be fair. But there was something that I wanted to tell you Ginny." She stared intently into my eyes. "Tonight is the last night before everyone returns and then things may start to happen like rumours. I want to have a perfect last night and pretend like the rest of the world does not exist. Before everything happens. I love you generva molly Weasley. I don't want to pretend but I know that we will have to for a while. It is up to you when we go public Ginny."

"Ok I love you Hermione granger." And with that we kissed.

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