chapter seventeen

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A/N this is a really short chapter, however that is the way that i really wanted it to be. it is only two pages on word but i think that it is farely moving. compared to some of my other chaoters that can take up seven to ten. at the moment it is 91 pages completly at size eleven. i am quite happy. i have about one chapter left on this book. i am going to write a sequal. on wattpad however i will be keeping it on the same word document.

"DRACO MALFOY MUGGLISED! RAPE ATTEMPT AND USE OF THE CRUCIATUS CURSE ON YOUNG WHICH. The nineteen year old ex-wizard Mr Draco Malfoy, has been mugglised due to commiting six offensives those of which include the attempted rape, kidnapping, abuse and use of the cruciartus curse on one young witch of which name we are prohibited to mention. Mr Malfoy was taken to court over a week ago where he was determined guilty and sent to a muggle institution of mental health otherwise known as a 'mental asylum' underwhich his magical powers were stripped, the name of Malfoy lost to the wizarding world and will never be seen by the world again. We would like to tell the witch that she is now safe and never to be touched by mr Malfoy ever again."

The whole thing about the attack was a secret so naturally the whole school knew abot it but they had been sworn to secrecy on the cost of severe punishment. As Hermione read the small article that was on the front page. A wave of relief spread through her and was visibly visible on her face. She looked to ginny. She had also just fnished reading as well and looked like all the weight had been lifted of her shoulder.

***hermione's point of view***

"ginny, I am so sorry for being distant" the idea of keeping it secret went out of the window. "I didn't know what was happening and I was scared. That has gone like a flick of a switch. I do love you, I have for so long ginny, and I think I always will. Ginny, I don't think. I know."

At that moment, ginny stood up and walked round the table. It was a long and tensioned filled moment. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what she would say. It had all just come out so quickly, in front of the whole school. She reached me and took my hands in hers.

"I know what you are like Hermione. You have always been the same. I didn't care how long it took so long as you were alright." At that moment she took her hands out of mine and moved one to the small of my back and the back of my neck. She leant in and captured my lips in a soft gentle kiss.

The room collaspsed into cheers and claps and even a few, 'halleluja' 'finally' 'thank god'. Even the slytherin table was clapping. A lot of them had changed as many had been forced into it by their parents. some hadn't but they did not return in September. Some of the teachers even stood up.

The school had changed. We were out and proud. And I was happy.

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