Freezing to death

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StephBrown🧇🥞💜: Instagram story

the camera is pointed at the snow covered streets and you can hear breathing from behind the camera, "So, I did somet'in' stupid! decidin' ta walk all de way ta my boyfriend's 'ouse in de fuckin' freezin' cold" the camera then switched to show her face covered by a scarf and a big woolly hat, "I forgot how fuckin' far 'e and 'is stupid rich family live from de city, I swear Tim if I freeze ta death 'cause o' ya, I'm comin' back an' hauntin' yer pretty little ass", the video cuts and the next is a picture of Wayne manor which had the caption of "I made it, I hope there's waffles" the picture changes to a video again the camera was pointed at Steph as she rested her head on Tim's chest "So update on de w'ole freezin' ta death, I was welcomed den made take a warm bath and change my clothes, now we're snugglin' in Tim's big fluffy and warm bed watchin' a movie" Steph said with a sigh as Tim rested his hand on her head playing with a couple strands of her hair "I would have come pick you up you know" he said taking the camera and holding it up sticking his tongue out before looking down at her. "And w'at risk ya catchin' a cold Mr. 'I 'ave no spleen' not a chance, now shush we're watchin' a movie" "Fine but just prepare yourself for the lecture that Dad's gonna give you for walking all the way here from your place in the fucking snow" "Oh shit, I didn't t'ink of dat!" Steph muttered as the video changed again to a picture of waffle dripping in syrup with "I got my waffles" written in big letters across the screen.

TheRealTinDrake✓: Instagram story

A video. Bruce was standing with his back to the camera his hands on his hips as he lectured Stephanie who was sitting at Tim's desk, there was text across the screen 'You know he has too many kids when he lectures your girlfriend for nearly freezing to death' "I know, I know! I shoulda but didn't kay, it's done now, I walk 'ere all de time I jus' fergot 'ow fuckin' far ya live from the fuckin' city!" Stephanie said, "There is no need for the language Stephanie!" Bruce said "Sorry" Stephanie muttered, "I know you walk here all the time but that's in warmer weather, I would prefer you call next time so you don't nearly freeze in the cold weather, I was in the city and I have no doubt Alfred would have come to pick you up if you had asked" "Fine next time I wanna come 'ere in de winta I'll call ya or Alfred or Tim 'ell I'll call de demon if ya wan'" Stephanie said, Tim snickered as Bruce sighed, "That's about as good as I'm gonna get isn't it?" he asked "Yep" Stephanie said popping the P, "Okay then, I'm going to let you two get back to whatever you were doing!" Bruce said ruffling Stephanie's hair before leaving the room, Stephanie looked at Tim waving at the Camera, "Am I 'part o' de family" "You got a five minute lecture and a pat on the head, yeah it's safe to say you are Baby!" Tim said before the video ended.            

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