Remembrance is Confusing

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Tap tap tap crack

A cloak shifted in the breeze, amber to gold eye lights peered at the forest around them.

They were being called forth, from.. slumber?

Yes.. slumber...


They looked at the sun above and squinted, the sun was fading into the night and soon mother moon would rise. What called them, was far away and moving.

Moments later they rushed through the forest, weaving through the forest like an illusion unseen by anything.

It could have been minutes, hours or days but they finally arrived for what called them.

"A Fragment of Death, as all Deaths are," they hummed, walking towards a black garbed figure floating above a lake careful to touch nothing alive. The Death looked frustrated, the burden on there soul heavy and hurt.

This Death could no find what they sought, what was lost.

They ignored gravity, there small stature easily floating towards the grieving monster.

Ah, yes.. there it was.

Carefully, they reached out and pulled the fragment of memory there from there Gaster Blaster pin.

Small hands, no two pairs of hands fought against a much large figure who had caused much damage upon there bodies.

Corruption veined through there very essence, the being wore a face not there own.

"If we cannot corrupt you both, the only option is your deaths," the invader hissed.

There eyesight began to fade.

The conceptional knife made of stolen Niflheim metal was almost a relief, they died beside there twin.

Soulless gasped and pulled themselves away from the Death god, tears in there eyelights.

They remembered there name now, they did not much remember much else other then there death.

Soul! Soul where was soul!

No wait... Soul was there, with them?

There head hurt.

They fled.


Gasping and heaving for breath, there soul beating much to fast they leaned against the side of a building.

They held there skull confused, everything was broken.. scattered.

This.. yes this is why they were seeking the fragments.

The fragments were there lost memories.

Unfortunately that burst of self memory was fading, they knew there sibling and counterpart was Soul and themselves Soulless.

Were they not suppose to be dead?

They shivered again, the phantom pain and horrors of that last memory, they died... and lived?

They needed to find more fragments, piece themselves together and find out...

How did they become Shell?

At least in there panic they'd gone towards the next fragment, finding a window they slipped inside not wanting to find out if they could go through walls.

A slim skeletons wearing mostly shades of purple was napping on a bed, shadows under there eye sockets from stress.

Frowning Soulless hovered over the sleeping form, taking in there face.

"You shouldn't be so familiar to us, have we met before?" they asked softly, not that the other would hear them.

Gently they reached forward, and took a memory fragment off the book the other was holding in there sleep.

Three figures hovered over a book, imprinting knowledge into it by ink and magic.

Soul laughed at something the third said, a funny joke. Soulless nodded amused.

Carefully the third picked up the book for safe keeping,

Behind the three, the one watched over them proudly.

Soulless sighed, taking a closer look at the book in the skeletons hands.

Yes... that was the book, not that they yet remembered what the book held within it nor who had also been there with them that day.

Suddenly the sleeping skeleton began to wake, Soulless let themselves fade away for now back into the subconscious of Shell.

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