Why You Always Call... ALWAYS!

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"INK! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ERROR!" An angry voice roared.

"Oh... oh dear," Ink said, seeing the goopy being storming his way.

Right, he'd forgotten to tell Nightmare about his, er, situation.

He looked at the calendar.

He'd been back for a month... he really should have gotten hold of the Dark Sanses.

'Stars... Cross is going to give me sad looks,' he thought in dismay. 'And then he'll steal my chocolate.'

While he was in his own little world, Nightmare slapped him with a tentacle, sending him flying.

"Ink!" Dream called in concern, seeing the creator thrown several feet.

"It's alright," Ink called back, getting to his feet.

"You won't be alright if you don't tell me where Error is!" Nightmare snarled.

'Right... let's take this somewhere a bit less breakable,' Ink thought.

Then he promptly tackled the leader of the Dark Sanses into the Anti-Void.


Nightmare found himself sprawled on the floor of the Anti-Void. He scowled as he noticed that the strings and souls that should be adding a bit of color were missing.

Moments later, he was back on his feet, rushing at Ink- who was, rather strangely, using his attacks without Broomie.


"STARSDAMMIT, NIGHTY, WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!" Inky snarled in a familiar corrupted voice.

He froze, and stared. Ink's eyes... were no longer Ink's eyes.

"Error?" he said in bewilderment as Ink dropkicked him.

"Er... hi, Nightmare," Ink said nervously.

"Ink... what is going on?" Nightmare snarled.

"Well," Ink coughed, before punching him.

'Screw you,' was Nightmare's last thought before the shadowy depths of the Realm of Sleep claimed him.


Nightmare found himself waking up with an aching head, tied up in familiar blue strings.

Hearing soft breathing and feeling a weight on his chest, he looked down to see Ink half sprawled over him... just like Error did when he slept. The Destroyer got rather clingy in his sleep, and Nightmare was forced to admit that it was adorable.

With the skill gained from way too many practice fights with Error, he slipped from the strings... not that they were on too tightly, really.

Ink didn't even stir, completely dead to the multiverse.

Nightmare gently placed a hand on Ink's skull, feeling the magic of the other in more detail than before.

He could sense the hum of a soul... a familiar soul. Something that he knew Ink hadn't had before.

He felt something in his soul relax.

Error always had been an idiot in some ways.

Slowly, Ink woke, and Nightmare found Error's bicolored eyelights gazing up at him sleepily.

"You're an idiot, Error," Nightmare told his longtime friend.

A sheepish smile formed on Ink's face, one he'd seen many times over the centuries.

"Sorry, Nighty... I kept meaning to tell you, no matter how weird this is," Ink or Error said in Ink's voice, really it didn't matter at this point.

"Still, I am going scream at you and pound you into the ground once I get the whole story," Nightmare told him.

"That's fine," Ink said, curling up against his chest again.

"Really? A nap, right now?" He asked in amusement.

"Hush... just go back to sleep, you make a good pillow," Ink said sleepily.

Nightmare smiled, and two friends bonded again.

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