Upon the Endless Flowers

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Its sad, but a lot of characters we created for memoryverse for the story of Shell Colorless and fated are either brief mentioned or so Background they never get mentioned. Don't be surprised if Dark sooner or later writes more for our characters, all that roleplaying is going to good use now.

It was always a bit lonely when a group of playmates grew up, that was the only problem with being eternal children as Incarnations.

So it was just Soul and Soulless again, they had hoped for longer as there child bodies usually had child mindsets and needed an outlet for that. They couldn't do it as often. As Luster needed them to be grown up in mind.

It sucked, but they'd make it.

They had looked into it, there were not many that could look after the Child.

Wish.. well had destroyed his temple and abandoned a form after the loss of his children, Curse.. no one wanted to trust them with a child.

Greater Darkness, was a single parent to Lesser darkness and wasn't admitting who there mother was.

Shadow, the false Incarnation was.. well a ditz.

Existence, well.. was so busy she'd barely had time to raise and train Esse.

The four horseman, some of them.. maybe.

Not Death, he was a jerk.

There were others they could think of, but not many had the time or energy to look after a child.

"Soul!" a voice called, Soul looked up from the flower he was admiring to smile.

"Hello Love, hello Hate" he greeted, the counterparts were rather loving and had surprised many that they'd not had children.

"I see your enjoying the eternal field of flowers also" Love said, there eyes gentle as they looked around. Love looked like a slender skeleton that was genderless, a bit on the short side. There eyes were always shifting color, like a mood ring as one idiot joked. They had white ecto hair down to there chin, the ends of the hair changing colors like there eyes and it was rather pretty.

Hate strangely enough looked human, tall with long black hair and red eyes. He was absolutely devoted to his mate, and if you saw Love without his mate look for a black vat and that was hate in another form.

"Yes, look at this pretty one I found. Judgment actually donated it" Soul replied, he looked to the pond nearby where Luster and Soulless was napping.

"So pretty" Love said awed "Did he name it?"

"Seeking..." he replied quietly, as Judgment was ever seeking his missing counterpart.

"Ah.. still?" Love said leaning against Hate, the horror of a counterpart not there was terrifying.

"Still... I worry about him, he's a dragon like Time but soulache eats at you" Soul said quietly.

"He's stubborn, he'll find them one day" Hate hummed.

"One day" Soul said hopefully.

"So what brought you here?" he asked curious.

"To relax, we married here you know" Love said with a grin.

"Before we were called forth, but didn't realize it was here" Soul hummed.

"And to Gossip" Hate smirked, and gave a fake yelp of pain as love elbowed him.

"He wants to gush about the rumoured library, that's suppose to be hidden from all beings and holds the stories of reality both real and fantasy" Love said teasingly, Hate pouted and was pulled into a kiss by there much smaller mate.

"I'll tell you if either of us find it" he laughed amused, who would be able to run a place like that.

"You do that" Hate said, then with a wave the two walked much deeper and out of sight.

A yawn got his attention and he smiled happily, Luster was growing so fast and it was tough to keep up with his training.

"Time to go home?" Luster asked one of there foster parents, he was seven and already taller then the twins.

"Indeed, lets wake up sleepy Soulless and head home"

A moment later a yelp was heard and Lusters giggling, Soul wouldn't change this for anything.

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