Fire Soul

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This is linked to the Story 'Scorched Rainbow' by @FireladyofInk who Shell has visited lately so you can see the rest of the story there <3

"Huh, nice," Ink said, as he landed at the barrier.

It looked like fire twisted into crystal, flares of fire shifted under its beautiful surface. He didn't touch it though, as it led to Omniverse set not his own.

Humming he poked around, he just had to find the access panel.

"Found you," he said a few hours later, in fact the access panel looked like it was of fire.

Quickly he coded in the information needed, including the admin of this Omniverse FireladyofInk.

A musical sound filled the air, and a portal of light appeared where the access panel had been.

"Oh right, they have there main Ink also," Ink said blushing a bit, his form was suddenly that of his Chaos self.

Grinning he leapt forward unto adventure.


Chaos slipped from place to place, a whisper of power careful to avoid the beings here.

While this multiverse had yet to link up to a kingdom hearts multiverse they might still, and he didn't want to lead a trail to his Omniverse.

He'd avoided that verse in his own so far.

Darn Master of Masters stupid plans within plans.

Sighing, he made a few faces when he came across the Minecraftian multiverses.

Thankfully Minecraft truly was just a game in his own, he was not giving up his modded games Stars darn it.

As he wondered he started hearing information from the cores of each multiverse, amber eye lights widened in interest.

"Well.. that's one way to get a soul, a pyro soul at that," he giggled. He was glad the admins had allowed him access here, it was so very interesting and its story deserved to be told.

"Wait... Bendy and the Ink machine is here too!" he said bewildered, spotting the coding for the Ink being.

Geeze, this Omniverse was one giant Crossover.

He might as well help a bit while he was here, and helping probably meant helping the local Inky and his soulhalf Sinead.

Now... where was the fused Duo.

"There they are" he said, for a second wings of light appeared behind him then he vanished.

He had another Ink to meet.


Hours later Shell sighed, as he watched Colorless set of multiverses.

He wondered if the admins gift would help against Fate.

His true self still slept, still keeping the infected multiverses sealed leaving an avatar to wonder.

"Hey," a voice said, turning he grinned.

"Heya Kiddo," he replied at Retconned.

"So have you met Searcher and Shades yet?"

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