A Matter of Bonds

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DarkMidnightDragon and I played with these two characters for awhile, but amusingly enough this is cannon for memoryverse and Shell

Why we're they raising a child?

This was the thought Soul and Soulless had, but here they were trying to keep a too curious Lower Incarnation child alive. There parent, had actually made Lesser Light grow naturally.

The only Issue, was that Greater Light was looked to far into there aspect and come down with Plight.

"Luster no!" Soul cried, stopping the child from eating one of there living crystal lights. The twins had taken ages to craft them for there temple, they looked like crystal flowers and could even grow.
Well... as long as they we're in there temple.

"I.. don't think our temple is safe, more baby proofing" Soulless sighed, how was one Toddler running two Incarnations ragged?

"I'll keep him busy, can you do the main chamber. We can't leave the pool active, as the liquid linking to the sea of souls would destroy him if he touches it" Soul asked.

"Of course" Soulless said with a wince, and perish the thought of what would happen if Luster somehow drank it.

Soulless rushed to fix up the main chamber up, it was where the two of them were most often when not at the Great temple. His friends we're busy with training right now, he missed them but he was very busy himself with there new... ward.

"Hello, anyone home!" Soulless blinked hearing the call from the temple entrance, and rushed there.
He opened the temple gate and smiled seeing Little Esse there, the Lesser Incarnation of Existence looked around six years old. Not that it meant much to beings such as them, but she was a child.

"Hello Esse, done with your training for the day?" he asked.

"Yes, Mother said I could come see Soul, yourself and lesser Light" she said bouncing excitedly.

"Come on in, I'm just baby proofing the place as Soul looks after our foster child" he said welcoming her in, he led.. okay it was more like she dragged him to where Soul and Luster was from the sound alone.

"Oh my stars! He's adorable!" she squealed blushing, the twins traded looks.

Luster made an adorable chirping sound, he was learning to talk late in life due to Greater Lights illness.

"Aw... whats your name?" Esse said kneeling down, her eyes sparkled excitedly.
Luster rushed over and babbled, words sprinkled in now and then.

"Esse, this is Luster. Luster, this is Esse" Soul said stretching, he got up now that the toddler wasn't sitting on the floor.

"We're going to be the bestest of friends," Esse told Luster, Luster just giggled and cooed.

Soulless grinned, they could feel it with them both so close.

Soul giggled, there twin seeing it also.

He couldn't wait to tell Matchmaker, after all soulmates meeting as children we're insanely rare.

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