Chapter 25: In The Dark

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The next day Jasper and I wait in his office for the sun to rise. Deckard has a plan, but to keep it safe from the wrong ears, we have to get sneaky.

"We have some time before you need to go," I say to Jasper, sitting on the front of his desk so I can face the early morning light.

The shaded corner of the room ripples as he shifts into human form and stalks toward me. I try not to let it get to me that he's spent more time as wolf than man lately. His control will slip with every second of the day that passes. His thoughts have already begun to change, morphing into primitive instincts at random.

His eyes glint back at me as he reads my intentions. "So we do, mate."

My skin warms as he immediately goes for my neck. Nipping and sucking at the skin until I'm a panting mess. I squirm on the desk, longing to get to the point before we're interrupted.

The office door remains open for the ear of our new guest. Which unfortunately means anyone could happen upon us.

"I can't wait to have you all to myself again," Jasper growls against my throat. His nose slides along the side of my neck and down to my exposed shoulder once he jerks the collar of my shirt down. He takes deep breaths in and fills our shared thoughts with need.

I can't help but succumb to the primal emotions and words he feeds into my mind. My head falls back, my center grows wet, and my body trembles. I'd let him claim me here and now if he wanted. The world and our problems would fade to black like they never were.

An almost soundless creak down the hall has Jasper rearing back with eyes a chaotic storm of gold. Mine. Mine. Mine, He snarls in his head.

My hands snap to the sides of his chest and I dig my nails in to keep him from attacking. Remember the plan. I pin his legs with my own so that he's caged against me.

His nostrils flare as he digs his unsheathed claws into the desk beneath me. I'll rip him to pieces.

The others will ambush us, I point to make him snap back to here and now. Would you chance us both being killed because we got impatient? Stick to the plan. Between you and I we have them at a disadvantage.

Jasper's breaths come out in harsh gusts as he leans his forehead against mine. If he touches you I'll break every bone in his body over and over until he knows nothing but agony.

"It's time for me to meet Deckard," he finally states.

He walks me to the window and looks out where said uncle looks back at us. Until today he has stayed true to his word on not leaving my side, but there is no other option.

I give him a practiced smile. "I'll wait for you here."

His lips fall on mine with the promise of his return and my safety through our plan. I trust in every growl from his throat, every stroke of his tongue against mine. Even when heat overcomes my body only to be replaced as fast with bitter cold as he leaves with a disdainful growl.

Now that there are challengers arriving, it's crucial that pack plans remain secret. Deckard warned that Jasper's immunity to silver should also be kept under wraps, for it could cause them to become unpredictable. Word has spread about the challenger from Legacy Ridge. He has a curiosity about my beast half and has been trying to catch a glimpse since his arrival.

"Few of her kind exist now, Jasper. Everyone is curious to see her change," Deckard explained. It's a key part of this plan.


My shoulders perk up at the second noise in the hall. Vadik really could not resist himself.

I suppress my nerves and shake off the pins and needles feeling beneath my skin. The last thing I need is to lose control and let my emotions get the better of me. My current position in front of the window where Jasper can see me was calculated on his part. Hopefully that will stop him from losing his composure again.

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