Chapter 22: Mine

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"She was going to attack you, Rebecca."

I look from Fallon to the lifeless body at her feet. Griya was going to attack my mate. The thought circles in my head over and over, and I see red despite the threat being long gone.

I squeeze my eyes shut and will the blood in my veins to cool. My mate is in front of me, unharmed, and finally wearing my mark. From this point on protecting her will only get easier. But I can't deny that the urge to eliminate any threat to her may grow as well.

One thing I know for certain, Griya found luck in her demise. If her sister hadn't gotten to her first, I would have torn her to pieces before she touched my mate. I would have made sure her blood stained these grounds for weeks to come.

No one would ever make the mistake of threatening what's mine.

I growl low with satisfaction at the thought.

Fallon shakes her head and looks on with a detached expression. "She knew I wouldn't stand between your mating. I stopped her from doing it herself."

I watch the heir of Stone Ridge for a long moment. To end the life of a loved one can't be easy for most. She did it in seconds, hardly sparing a moment of hesitation. I've only ever seen tormented warriors kill that swiftly.

"I... I knew she didn't like me," Rebecca mutters. "But I never would have thought that she'd try something like this."

"It's not your fault." Fallon kneels down beside her sister and closes her lifeless eyes. "Griya's been on a doomed path since she let my father get inside her head. I once hoped she would pull away from his influence, but that hope was gone when she left home and came here for Chace. She could have lived a good life if she would have just stayed."

I rest my hand on my mate's shoulder when she frowns. A burst of lust hits me hard at first contact.

My wolf rises, and I let my fingers wander her smooth skin in an attempt to dull it down. I can feel in my bones that until we've completed our mating, we'll both continue to get more restless. Until we're both mad with need.

"I'm so sorry, Fallon," Rebecca laments. "If you need anything—"

My vision tunnels as I gaze upon my mate's bare skin. Then, supple and soft, her backside meets my front as I continue to surrender to my baser needs. The need to claim her, again and again.

My mind becomes bombarded with thoughts of her open for me, taking my cock like I've longed for for so long.

Rebecca gasps as I press my hardness against her. Her golden eyes meet my own and hold so much hunger that it makes me quake with need.

"I'll be fine. You two should go," Fallon says.

Rebecca returns her gaze and nods in a jerky motion. I grip her waist as gently as I can and lead the way back to the packhouse. Every step feels futile like we're only walking in place. I clench my teeth and try to keep a hold on patience.

The very word slips my mind as Rebecca's potent desire begins to grace my senses. I take in a long breath, letting her sweet aroma wash over me. My wolf writhes in pleasure and takes in every note like a steroid, growing in strength, in lust. I exhale harshly and growl out as it ascends as far as it can.

My claws and fangs extend with a grisly noise, and I turn to Rebecca with the fiercest yearning pounding through my veins.

"Jasper," she gasps. Another wave of her addictive scent hits me, and I lift her off of her feet.

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