Chapter 18: Can't

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That night I lay awake, utterly restless. Jasper was no different; his endless howls were a part of the reason I hadn't been able to get any sleep. That, and the fact that I wanted him next to me through every dragging second that the moon was in the sky.

"You look like shit," Chace points out the moment I come downstairs in the morning.

How new.

I ignore him and march right through the front doors of the pack house and toward the wall, on a mission—eager—to see Jasper. We have a long day ahead of us, or days, depending on what he does. I know the plan is to let him free and see who he goes after now that he's had time to calm, but I don't know if I'm ready to go through that process.

The wolf, or beast inside of me, is adamant that he and I belong together. That Jasper is most certainly my mate. It was so hard to get that foreign body to quiet down last night and stop willing me to go to his side. I'm worried because he might have tried to hurt Fallon yesterday, but he's done the same thing to me. There just isn't a sure way to know if he is mine until we do this.

I'm so tired of waiting. And I know he must be too.

I come to an unsure pause once I reach my destination. Deckard and Fallon are already present, looking well-rested and as if they have been waiting forever.

Jasper's head lifts as soon as I get close. It's hard to ignore him for the time being, but I do. He's calm right now and I don't want to change that yet.

"Are we ready?" I mumble to the others, vague on purpose.

I get two nods in response, a third when Chace exits the pack house. My chest grows heavy with turmoil as uncle and nephew exchange a glance and leave mine and Fallon's side.

This is it.

"You remember what I said?" Fallon whispers to me with nothing but sincerity in her tone.

I give her a brief glance, acknowledging that yes, I do. She warned me that if Jasper and I weren't true mates, she would go after him. She tried yesterday and failed, that doesn't mean she won't try again today. In a way, I understand that—it enrages me to an unbelievable extent, but I get it. She isn't doing this for herself and she has made that clear without saying so directly. This is about her honoring her pack by following through with the arrangement her and Jasper's parents made years ago.

"Let's get this over with," I murmur, more to myself than to her.

The two on either side of Jasper approach him with caution. He doesn't do anything but growl low and jerk his wrists forward impatiently. That's good. But the fact that he hasn't spoken a single word isn't.

"Attack us and you'll be right back where you started," Deckard warns.

His words hold no merit. I know it, he knows it. Jasper knows it. Already the two others are showing signs of weakness from being by the wall, and Jasper looks as strong as ever. If he wanted, which I know he doesn't, he could take them down. It would only take seconds.

"Make the right choice," I hear Chace grit to him as he and Deckard unlock the cuffs.

Jasper's golden eyes ignite the exact second the restraints slide off his wrists. I absently take a step forward, and his gaze pins me in place. The most unexpected thing happens after he shifts on the spot and starts toward me.

When he's made it less than five feet from the wall, Chace's wolf suddenly bursts forth and lunges at him.

A startled cry rises from my throat. I step forward, only to be stopped by Fallon's arm across my middle. She shakes her head at me when I meet her gaze. "You'll only get hurt," she explains. "This is happening with or without your interruption."

Jasper's Soul Mate (18+)Where stories live. Discover now