Chapter 6: Duties

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 "If you live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf."

A strangled growl leaves his lips.

Chace tenses in the driver's seat, his gaze snapping to me. I give him a sheepish look and slowly climb into the back and settle in front of Jasper on the floor. "Everything is okay," I tell him, placing my hands on his exposed thighs.

I hear a rumbling sound pick up behind me and realize that Chace is growling. He should know by now that antagonizing Jasper won't end well for him. The man in front of me growls back and I tense in my spot, knowing fully well how bad things could turn out and especially with me right between them.

"Chace, this might work better if you aren't here," I grit.

"Fine," he says, growling his displeasure. "You know what happens to him if he loses control."

The door slams shut behind him.

I sigh in relief when the tension in the small car alleviates. I rub Jasper's thighs soothingly and his chest rumbles until a low growl slips past his lips. I assume my comfort tactic is working.

"I need you to calm down, Jasper," I say softly. "We're safe here."

I'm technically lying, but the reality of our situation can wait until he's no longer on the verge of a killing spree. As strong as he seems, I don't know that Jasper could face the entire pack trying to kill him and live through it. I shiver fearfully at the thought.

When I meet Jasper's eyes I see that their ethereal glow has remained. In fact, it almost appears as if they've gotten brighter.

What the fuck?!

I stop all movement and watch him warily. "Jasper..."

He responds with a growl the moment I say his name. Strong hands dart out and pick me up and place me on his lap. I didn't have a chance to stop him, he's got supernatural speed on his side.

Beneath me, where my thighs are spread open for him, I feel the bulge of his cock as it grows erect. I struggle not to squirm as the familiar intoxicating aura of his dominance awakens some needy part of me.

I let out a shallow breath as I try and muster self-control. "Okay, now is really not the time for this. I have to help people here, Jasper. We don't have time for this."

He suddenly shifts under me, his bulbous erection rubbing against a very sensitive part of me. I curse leggings for the reaction it causes. And the fact that I hate underwear about as much as I hate onions, which is why I'm commando and there's nothing but thin cotton between my bare pussy and Jasper's thick shaft.

I feel arousal coil and burn in the pit of my stomach. Jasper growls and I see his nostrils flare as he takes in my potent scent.

I don't know how in the hell I'm getting out of this one. But I have one idea, and if it fails, I'm fucked.

"Jasper," I manage to start in a shaky tone. "You have to calm down. Only then will I let you have me."

His eyes flash at me and I begin to think he only took my words as a challenge rather than the ultimatum they were. His grip on my hips tightens.

Damn it.

I shudder when he suddenly grinds me into him and the head of his hard cock nudges my throbbing clit. Oh, god.

It takes everything in me to resist the urge to continue what he started once he stops—which frustrates the fuck out of me.

"Jasper," I gasp. "So help me, if you don't get it together I will leave you—" Jasper has me on my back in one swift blur of a movement. His strong physique rests on top of mine just as fast.

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