Chapter 23: Mate

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I crawl out of a cage, shivering as concrete meets my skin. There are two men in front of me, their chests all I see because I don't dare look up further. I don't want to see their eyes.

For some reason, the thought of them alone makes my stomach turn.

"Stay," A voice sneers.

My body locks up instantly as I obey, but deep down I grow angry. Furious.

"No trouble this time, mutt," the other man says.

I stand slowly when they beckon me, feeling too lethargic to attack them. The top of my head barely meets their hips, and when I start to follow them and more and more men fill my vision, I feel even smaller.

A feeling of helplessness floods me at the sight of tall concrete walls all around. I want to go back. I'd rather spend weeks in the cage than face what's ahead.

I fall back for a moment, anger and fear churning inside me. Two forces tugging against each other that only cause me to grow dizzy and still. I hate where they're taking me... Who they're taking me to.

"Move," one of the men hiss.

"He's doing it again," the other warns as my body starts to shake.

"Fuck. Get me silver."


"No," he says, and my stomach flips, heart turning thunderous in my chest. "A blade."

"No," I immediately breathe. I hate silver. I hate how much it hurts.

"Then walk," the man spits. "You know who wants to see you, mutt. Make her wait and she will punish you."

Even as every cell in my body protests, I obey and let them lead me forward. And he's right, I do know who's waiting. She makes my skin crawl with discomfort.

"Why hasn't she killed it yet?" one of the men asks. "I would have sliced it navel to nose by now. Whether he's Alpha born or not."

"Ask the commander herself," the other says shortly.

The two pull open a large set of silver doors, and clarity hits me.

This isn't a dream.

This is a memory.

But it's not mine.

Panic floods me tenfold once the hunters walk into the next room. Adorning every grey wall are familiar weapons that make me nauseous at first sight. Chains. Bows. Daggers. Whips. One of the worst, a cage right next to a throne and a midnight wolf's head mounted on the wall above it.

If I thought any of what I felt before was overwhelming, the next wave of emotions changes my mind. Every single one hits until I'm left raw inside.

I will myself to wake up then, only to find that I can't.

"Commander, we've brought the shifter."

"So you have. Bring him closer," a woman says, voice filled with impatience, as if the request is one she's repeated to them a thousand times. "I want to pet my little wolf."

"As you wish."

In one swift move the guards have me by the wrists, and I come face to face with the Commander herself. She's the picture of malevolence. Sitting tall with anger practically seeping from her pores--the strength of it alone wards me away. For a small moment, a dark cloak spares me the rest of her appearance.

Jasper's Soul Mate (18+)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu