Chapter 9: The Aurum Story

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The wolves lie on the field for hours, coming to terms, connecting with their Alpha—and partially because Jasper won't let them move. I think he wants to be sure of their allegiance, considering they all nearly killed him.

I sit still, waiting for him to move first from his unwavering stance in the middle of the pack. Next to me, Chace remains defeated. Unlike the rest of the wolves who are submitting still, he seems to be stuck in his own mind.

I'm worried for him. Even more for Jasper.

I wait and wait. Minutes pass...hours... And only once the moon is glowing in the sky and a chill night breeze causes me to shiver, does Jasper finally shift back and release the pack. Most sag against the ground in relief, I nearly join them. Until now, I was unaware of the force that had weighed on me as well.

Jasper staggers forward, keeping his golden eyes set on me. "Jasper?" I whisper, tone dripping with concern.

He doesn't say a thing, only pulls me against his side as he walks up to our room.

I try grabbing his attention again once he gently pushes me toward the bed, his chest heaving and breaths coming out short and fast. "Jasper?"

He growls and steps away from me.

I stand up and take a step toward him. "Are—"

All at once, he shifts.

My stomach twists. What now?

I stand stock-still, even as Jasper inches toward me, canines dripping venom frighteningly close to my face.

"Are you okay?" I ask, keeping my eyes pinned to the floor next to his giant form. Not a single ounce of fear is coursing through me, but rather anticipation that I don't understand.

Hot breath fans across my face and neck as he leans forward and breathes in my scent.

Warily, I stretch a hand out to touch him. "I'm not a threat, Jasper. You know that."

A rush of hot air followed by a wet tongue slide across the flesh of my neck. I suck in a breath as every part of me seizes up and burns as if lit with fire.

The skin of my neck heats under his stimulation, and then it goes cold once it disappears. I dare to look at Jasper. His eyes aren't on mine but instead, pinned to my neck as his form shakes hard enough that I feel it under my feet.

My breath hitches when he gets even closer. Is he going to

Faster than I can blink, Jasper shifts and his naked form drops to the ground, unconscious once again.

O—kay. I exhale loudly. "At least you're not dead."

"Indeed," A voice agrees.

"What the hell!" I shout, turning to see Deckard standing in the doorway of my room. He shrugs his bulky shoulders and strolls in, an odd smirk on his face. "That was interesting to watch."

I glare. "Didn't peg you for a creep, Deckard."

He shrugs once more and looms over Jasper's body. "Good to see you as well, Rebecca."

"Wish I could say the same," I scoff.

Deckard bends down and lifts Jasper's body, then effortlessly, he places him on the bed. I cross my arms and watch the scene unfold closely—he even tucks the blankets around Jasper.

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