Chapter 26: Enemy of My Enemy

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The sky is overcast with deep bouts of thunder rolling in. My heart stutters every other minute when I dare to look at the challengers preparing themselves for battle in the field. I can't take a breath without feeling as if my beast half will rip out on exhale.

"This is the hard part." Deckard stands at my side. "Don't think you are the only one who has thought of attacking first."

"It feels wrong to watch as they prepare to challenge my mate to the death," I admit. He is right. Yesterday was difficult to get through, but today it feels like a single glance from these wolves could set me off.

Deckard takes me into a side embrace and rubs my shoulder to comfort me. "It is unsettling the first time, isn't it? I have faced my share of challenges and none compare to it. If it helps, I have a good feeling about this day- Jasper's strength aside."

I wish it did help. The only thing that would, is the challengers submitting one by one. Better yet, tucking tail and running away. If only. The hard truth is that they're more likely to band together and attack at once. But if they did, Jasper would have me, his uncle Deckard of Legacy Ridge, Fallon of Stone Ridge, and his brother at his back.

Powerful Alphas on their own.

Coarse fur suddenly brushes my side and an unrecognizable growl touches my ears. I look to my right and hold in my next breath. There's been one other time that I struggled to meet Jasper's gaze, and it was nothing to this. It radiates power even as I look down at the large paws against the floor. Willing me to take a second glance and succumb to a horrific demise.

Jasper? I press my thoughts toward our link and meet a brick wall. Yesterday was merely the calm before the storm. His composure kept only to preserve what could be our last moments together.

Unsettling heat burns my eyelids. It's not Jasper's molten gaze, I realize as he leads the way out of the pack house.

It's mine.

I tried to ignore the anxiety creeping over my head like black smoke all morning. Now it's thicker, seeping into my lungs and mind with every breath I take. I feel like a cornered stray, ready to attack the hands that reach for me with malintent.

Jasper pushes me behind him as the foreign scent of the challengers slowly smothers the air. If at all possible, the midnight wolf in front of me grows larger. Stronger.

Deckard stops a short distance from the crowd of pack members. "Wait here. Chace will show as soon as the challenges have started."

I manage to nod my head as fur slips through my fingertips, eventually gone.

My eyes don't leave Jasper's wolf for a moment. Part of me is waiting for his resolve to unravel. For his control to shatter and lay waste to the opposing shifters. He's completely blocked me out of his head now, I can barely feel him at all.

If you're trying to save me from the darkness, it's a little too late for that, Jasper. I push the words toward his mind even if he may not hear them.

A sudden foreign hand on my shoulder has my claws out and canines extended. I whirl around to find one of the challengers, and to his unfortunate expense, he's alone.

My claws tear free.

"I'm not here to harm you!" Vadik raises his hands as a show of submission. "I'm here to ask for your help."

Help. A painful thrum starts in my temples and I tilt my head as I look at him through my wolf's murderous eyes. "I'd rather kill you now. You must have a death wish, Vadik."

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