
73 6 2

Indo: Duck!


Phil: Quack–?
*Got Hit by basketball*

Indo: I meant the other kind of 'duck'
*Face palm*


America: About Your Brother-

Philia: first of all, I wish he isn't

Philia: secondly, I'm pretty sure we don't need his approval to get married

America: I was just gonna ask you about the Pet Dog-

Philia: oh-

America: uhhh

Philia: do you still want to get married?

Vietnam: what does pornography mean?

Phil: hmm, I don't know

Phil: should we ask Martial?

Vietnam: No *drags phil to his room, search it up* we'll learn without him

Phil three minutes later: Oh My g-

Vietnam: Wanna try it?

Phil: NO

// I'm starting to have favoritism over this Vietphil Ship–//


Israel: Phil
Phil: yes?
Israel: help....
Phil: sure....

\\ On second thought- Vietphil and israphil =v=) the other ship is just for fun, this two are my fav XD \\


Credits To BuRocks 17

Indo: when I said "YA" Everybody "YEET" ya!

Phil & Mal: YEET!

Indo: Ya!

Phil & Mal: yeEt!

Indo: YAA

Phil & Mal: YEeT!

Indo: yEEt *pounces on Netherlands*

Neth: OoF

Phil & Mal: YEAH


Martial: I hate my last name

VietCong: why?

Martial: because it's not your last name

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