Um, hi?

74 6 11

: Over 3000+ words,


Mal: I'm an idiot



Singa: if you're waiting for me to disagree this is going to be a long night


Martial: so wait, when food is involved, you can suddenly do math in your head?

Phil: hold on, Del, How much is 19154 food divided by 61 food

Del: 314 Food

Phil: what if it's Martial's cooking?

Del: carry the four and-


Del: zero. The answer is zero cuz all the food got poison but Martial's cooking


Sen: I slept for almost twelve hours but I might still be tired so let's go for twelve more just in case

Mal: Sen, that's a coma

Sen: sound festive

Mal: no-


Asean: are you alright? I don't think you sleep at all last night

Phil: I got a solid eight minutes


Phil; well not consecutively but still I'm fine. You're not even blurry right now

Asean: *concerned mama noise*


Del: have you decided on a Halloween costume yet?

Sen: yeah, I'm gonna dress up like an idiot

Martial, coming into the room: hey Sen, here's the clothes you wanted to borrow



Del: that's actually a good costume...... For once


Singa: Mal you think every round fruit is an apple

Mal: no I don't

Singa, holding a cherry: what is this?

Mal: tiny apples

Singa, pointing at pumpkins: and what are those?

Mal: Halloween apples


Brunei: we need an idea

Sen, sword in his hand: I've got an idea

Brunei: no murder


Sen: i-

Sen: I no longer have an idea


If you're wondering why I'm mostly using Sen now instead of Phil is because Phil is Resting in his mind while Sen uses his Body, like DID or Alters, things like those. Let's just say he have felt the "Author's Angst" Chapter

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