The One Where She's Lost

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Well I'm really excited that Austin is coming over,but I don't know why jesse was acting like that. Let me call him on Skype to make sure he's okay.

"Hello?" Yes he answer! "Jesse it's me Beca." I say walking around my room. "Hey Beca what's up?" He asked with a sigh. "Are we cool? You seemed upset when we last talked."
I said scratching the back of my neck. "We need to talk Beca. Meet me at our spot." He said and hung up.

I immediately knew what he was talking about when he said"our spot"

Im at our spot and I see him pacing.

"Hey!" I shout looking at him.
"What took you so long?" He asked.

"Well I didn't want to get my new white converses dirty by all this dirt. It's a big hill!" I say in defense. "Now what do we need to talk about?" I ask meeting his eyes. "Austin."
He said with disgust. "Austin?" I ask putting my hand on my chest like what the fuck.

"Why did you suddenly act different when he texted you? Do you still like him?" He asked. I couldn't believe him. "What? He was my friend from back home.Jesse he was my old crush. I haven't talked to him in 5 or 6 months. Why are you acting so jealous?" I ask jesse and he stops pacing.

"Beca don't you see what you and I have? We have a bond. We make out everyday and you make everything so complicated! I don't know what you want! To be just friends or more than that!" He says looking straight at me. Oh lord he does have a point. I do like jesse but just as my friend. He's sweet and all and I honestly don't know why I keep kissing him. But he never asked me out or anything or took me out on dates. So he can't really be mad that we're just teenagers being teenagers.

"Jesse. I'm sorry I led you on. I keep saying we just met yesterday and that we have to be friends first when I'm over here making out with you. But we did just meet yesterday. Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. I get that we have something special but just for a while can we at least stay friends. I promise I won't kiss you or sleep in your room."
He looks disappointed but he looks up.

"Okay. But just remember that if you make one move I will go for it and you can't get mad at me for it." He says.

I'm really happy he understood. We hug and go back home. I get dressed for his and Stacie's party and about an hour later i drive to their house to help them.

At The Swanson House

i ring the door bell to see Stacie answer it.

"Beca hey! Jesse's not home right now he went to go pick up his guy friends from Marietta." she says letting me. "We need to talk but not here because Luke is like in the other room next to us so lets got to the third floor in my room where he can't here us." she takes me up in here room and it's a little messy but it looks so organized.

"So i saw you and Jesse earlier today.And before you start to say we're just friends and all i want to tell you that Jesse is a really sweet guy but when somebody breaks his heart he like gets really depressed and wont eat, He's just not himself"

i look at her with shocked eyes,"Has this happened before?" i asked. "it happened when he was 15. There was this girl named Gabriella.They were best friends since middle school. Well she was my best friend first but you know what brothers do. So he asked her to homecoming and she said yes and then they dated and months later he caught her with my boyfriend under the kissing rock in Atlanta under eachothers throats. it was awful more for him than me. Mom and dad had to take him into theropy and well he was himself again but the only girls he's ever been with was Aubrey but he never really liked her like he liked Gabriella untill you."

"Stacie.....look Jesse's is a really great guy but i don't think im the type of girl for him and we agreed to just stay friends untill further notice."

"I know but im just giving you the heads up. And if it does happen you know where to find me." She says.

"So Stacie Swanson. Your cool and sweet. Tell me about yourself. I can keep secrets and all those other things white rich girls can't promise."

"Hahaha. Well I'm Jesses sister. You already know that.....duhh. Well I like books and animals. I'm not really like Jesse. He is like one of those romantic saps and I'm just like a one night stand kind of person. I don't really think I have secrets because I'm an open book. I like to dance. And your brother Adam. I've seen him around school. And my friend Jessica has a crush on him. See I can't keep secrets. And I know everything about Jesse. I was blackmailing him one time because he was about to tell mom and dad that I was in a relationship, yes a serious relationship for several months,with a collage guy."

"Wait what dirt did you have on him?" I asked dying to know. "Well back when Gabriella and Jesse were a thing they would make these types of "relationship goals" videos to post on MySpace. I found one in his closet when I was looking for my phone. It's was really cute. I made a copy of all of them if you wanna see it." Stacked says with an evil smile.

"Of course I want to." I say flowing her to her desk where her laptop is. "Okay video number 1."

True love-Jesse and Gabriella forever.

It started off really cute. They were holding each other. He picked her up and spinner her. There was videos of them at the dance. Kissing,laughing,her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips. "Holy shit this is adorable." I say holding back my laughter.
"We aren't even to the good part yet." Stacie says.

"Okay here it is" stacie says jumping up and down in her seat. My eyes are on the screen and it says"Titanic"

Oh my god. They're reenacting the end of the movie.
"Jack I would never let go." Gabriella says holding jesse's hands in a pool. They kiss and he sinks down. "Oh my god that was great!" I say laughing so hard. "Wait till you see they're reenactment of A Walk To Remember" Stacie says laughing a bunch too.

"Mmmmrrrmm" we hear someone clear their throat and we slowly turn around.

"Hey jesse hey Daniel." Stacie says awkwardly. "Whatcha two watching on there?" He asked arms around his chest walking towards us. "Titanic." I answer "parody" Stacie says. "Uh huh. I'll be taking this." He says taking steadies laptop.

"Busted...." Daniel says."shut it man boobs" Stacie says to him as he sits on the edge of her bed. "Hi I'm Daniel. One of jesses friends. You must be Beca." He says

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I ask curious of what his response would be. Either he's a stalker or people tell him bout me.

"Jesse. He wouldn't stop talking about-" he says but then gets cut off by Jesse.
"Daniel! Let's go downstairs." Clearly Jesse yelled at him for almost mentioning that he talks about me. That's adorable. Wait did I really just use that word? Did I beca mitchell really just say adorable. Damn he is making me a softie.

"Well Beca,I'm gonna need your help to get ready for the party." Stacie says.
"But have you seen what I wear it's mostly just black things and ear spikes."I say not know why she would choose me of all people. "Well I need a girl friend right now and your all I've got."


Holy shit Jesse's place is crowded. I can't find him,stacie,or Daniel anywhere!! Damn it some girl just threw up on the kitchen floor. Wait,when did a kangaroo get in here?? What the fuck did I just get myself in????

"LUKEE!" I yell for him while he's djing. "HAVE YOU SEEN JESSE??" I practically yelled in his face. "WHAT?"

"JESSE! Have you seen him!!!!" He takes a sip of his drink then responds.
"JESSE?! I THINK I SAW HIM WITH AUBREY GOING UPSTAIRS!!" He yells right back. He goes back to djing and I go find Jesse. Ughhhh I wonder what's happening. I go from door to door. Bathroom-guy and girl making out while some guy is taking a shit. Guest room-HOLY SHIT I JUST SAW A THREESOME. Urgggg gross. I don't think I can ever get that image out of my head. How are they that flexible??? Room to room I can't find them. I open Jesse's door and.....oh my god.

HEYYY EVERYBODY. JECA FINALLY HAPPENED IN THE NEW PITCH PERFECT 2 TRAILER AND IM DYING!! THEY ARE MY OTP NO OTHER COUPLE IS BETTER THAN JECA. UGHHH I MADE IT MY SCREEN SAVER AND I WOKE UP MY SISTER. Follow my Instagram @prettypitchygleeks and comment some ideas or something. I might put it in the next chapter. Bye little weirdos - Love,Alondra 💜

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