The One Where They Go To Dinner

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Oh god, I can't believe Jesse said yes to my dads stupid dinner. I kept telling him it's going to be more boring than Adams sleepovers as a kid. He just laughs and kisses my head. My dad said we have to dress nice since guest are coming over. Only my dad. If mom were still here she wouldn't give a fuck. She'll just be like,"Beca I'll buy you the condoms." Shes cool. I miss her. I haven't talked to her in 2 weeks. Let me call her.

"Hey Bec." She says loud. "Hey mom what's up." I ask her sitting on my my bed. "I'm just here hiding from my friend. She's on her period and her boyfriend ditched her. Same ol Tom. What about you kiddo? How's Jesse and everyone."

"Well Adam has a girlfriend now. She's my perky friend. And Jesse and I are dating and we're staring in the schools play. And tonight dad made Adam and I invite our significant other to dinner and is making us dress nice. I'm forced to wear a fucking dress!"

"That's a pretty dick move. John knows how much you hate dresses ever since it flew up in 1st grade. He didn't say what type of dress did he?" She ask sneaky. "No...why?"

"Where a sexy dress. Like lace to show like your bra and side of your body."she says. "Hmmm that would really kill him wouldn't it...I still have your old dress that you gave to me for Halloween. The one that you never out on for dad. Would that look good?" I ask her.

"Brilliant. And like sit next to jesse and whenever your dad or sheila isn't looking whisper something dirty to Jesse so he can be really uncomfortable. And touch him too! That would make your dad really pissed off!" She says happy. "Okay mom. I'll text you a picture of me when I'm done. Bye,love you." "Love you too."

I go over to my closet and take out the dress. Dayum this is hot! Dad would be really pissed and Jesse will totally get really happy and he won't laugh when I touch his waist.

"Beca hurry up. Everyone's already down here!" Dad yells for me. One last look and there.

I walk down and Jesse's water's dropping from his mouth. Dad is still turned around putting salad on his plate and Adam is trying not to laugh. Jesse a and Sheila have their eyes wide open.

I walk towards jesse and when dad turns around he spits out whatever's in his mouth.

"Sorry I'm late I was finishing up something." I say with a sexy smile looking at dad and light brushing my finger tips on jesses shoulder.

He swallows and sits back down looking very uncomfortable. When dad is talking to Jessica I touch Jesse's thigh and go slowly when I reach his man nuggets (A/N oh lord 😂...)

He silently whimpers and drinks his water to cool himself down. Sheila clears her plate and makes a call outside. Dad goes to the bathroom and Jessica and Adam go over to the couch.

Since everybody has left I take a Jesse upstairs to my room and forcefully kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and we try to go over my bed. We knock some of my things down but I don't care.

"God damnit Beca why did you have to do this to me" jesse says while I kiss his neck. He kisses my ear and I wrap one leg around him to move him further down. Just when I was sliding my hands up his shirt someone opens the door.

He clears his throat and Jesse immediately sits back up. "Umm Beca your brother wants to talk to you. And umm Jesse I need to talk with you." He says. I just nod my head from my position and look at Jesse who is about to faint. He closes the door and I sit back up positioning my hands in Jess shoulders

"Don't worry. We'll leave before he can speak to you. And I'll change so you won't get too happy." I say kissing his cheek and heading towards my closet.

I put on a black shirt and a pair of dark blue jean shorts (A/N like in What To Expect When Your Expecting. Same hair too) I just realized I basically just stripped in front of Jesse. I did not plan that to be honest but hey it is what it is.

"You okay?" I ask him heading towards my bed sitting next to him. "Yeah I just did not expect all this. I thought it was just going to be an awkward dinner but when you walked down those stairs....I literally melted like an ice cube." He says. I laugh at him and whisper something dirty in his ear.

"When i see you in your boxers I want to do things to you that aren't even possible at our age." I pull his face closer to mine and brush past his lips. I stand up and get my wallet.

"You're such a tease mitchell. You are the death of me." He says putting his hands up in the air laying down on my bed.

"I have some of your clothes if you wanna change. Here's the shirt you let me wear when your mom "accidentally" spilled her hot chocolate on me. And here's some of your sweat pants I took from you." I say. "Keep the sweats,it looks cute on you." He changes into the grey v neck line shirt. And we walk out my room.

"Hold it right there you two!" Dad says catching us going throughout the back door. "Jesse. Beca. We need to talk." He says. We turn around facing him and he's crossing his arms like he rules everything. "I just wanted to say.....before you do anything think about your future and about the other people that are in your life. Jesse please take care of my Beca,I don't need another Ryan. But I trust you to keep her safe and treat her like a young women. Beca don't be stupid....please just think about the big A." He says

"Annal?" I ask confused and shocked. "No! Abstinence!" He says annoyed. "Now go be teenagers." He says. Jesse walks out first and I walk behind him. I catch up to him and jump on his back. He catches me and he's giving me a piggy back ride. "Death of me mitchell."

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