The One Where Its 3 Months Later

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Okay so like for some reason Jesses mom doesnt like me. When ever i go to their house she always gives me these looks that are like a regina george look. Like last week,Jesse and i were working on our homework for English about the learnibg about each other and she tells me i should go home because its getting late. And it was barely even senven. And when Stacie and i were watching Magic Mike she started calling me out. Like what the fuck is wrong with the way i dress. And she compared me to Aubrey. That was when i decided i had enough and walked back to my house . Ughhh does she not like me or something?

As of today it is a week before the school dance and that is everyone is talking about. Stacie is thinking about asking one of Jesses friends Benji, Luke is saying he's gonna ask out one of my friends Chloe. Shes a pretty weird colorful head. Like she stays changing her hair color. My brother already has a date, my friend Jessica. Supposably they met through facebook. I dont know about me and Jesse. I mean we said we'll just be friends but lately we've been flirting i guess. Like we got jobs as waiters at this fancy Italian restaurant and we kept insulting but yet complimentibg each other. He said we're inevitable. That made me smile.

So im walking to the football field to meet with Stacie,Benji,Jesse,Luke, and Jessica. After school we're suppose to go to the mall and shop for dresses and suits for the dance. As im at the enter side all the way up the bleachers i see Jesse with some girl.
(A/N i decided this chapter wont just be Becas point of view because i need everyones so you'll understand it better)

Jesse's POV

Im walking to the football field to meet the gang. Like always im the first one there. Not suprised. For the first time ever i see someone here. Its a girl and she looks lonely.

"Hey." I say to her so she'll turn around."Jesse hey." She says standing uo and giving me a hug. Its Maddy,Lukes sister. "What are you doing here all alone?" I ask her. "Oh im waiting for erik." She says hiding her face. I alreay know shes blushing because ive seen her and erik around school. Not even Rose ans Jack are that cute. And thats coming from me.

"What are you doing here?" She ask. "Oh im waiting for your brother,Stacie,Jessica.and other friends." I say. "Is Beca gonna be here." She ask smiling at me. "Yeah beca is. Why?" I ask suspicious. "Oh no reason. By the way my cheerfriends and i think you two would make a cute couple. Why havent you asked her out yet?" She asked crossing her arms. "Because Madeline we're just friends." I respond to her. I dont just wanna be friends with beca though. I like her. Like a lot. "But when the girls and I went to that place you guys work at you too looked so adorable. Like when she put whip cream on your nose then kisses it off. Or like when you spun her around which scared her and she fell. That was cute." She says. I smile at those memories. Damn Beca and I do seem cute.

"Maddy,Beca and I are just friends."
"With benefits" she says winking. "Damn girl your like what 15 and you already think about us like that. You need Jesus." I say playfully. "Oh come Jesse. Grow some balls and ask he out. Ask her to the dance." She says jumping up and down. "But I don't even know if she wants to go. Trust me being in social crowns are not her thing." I tell her. "Look if she does go to the dance start dancing like this." And Maddy starts doing this ice skating moves and is making me dance with her. We playfully dance like prince charming and Cinderella.

Back to Beca's POV

She's looks short. Not shorter than me though. What are they doing now? Are they dancing?? What the hell. Okay Beca why are you getting mad. It's just jesse with a girl this shouldn't matter to you. UGHHHHH YOU ARE not JEALOUS! Okay so I'm just gonna walk over there. Be cool Beca be cool

"Hey guys." I say with a fake smile. "Hey Beca. Umm this is Maddy. Luke's younger sister." He says pointing to her. She's pretty and she looks familiar. "Hi Beca. It's so good to finally meet you. It's been forever and these assholes haven't introduced me. I'm Maddy." "Hi Maddy.." I say giggling. "Well I have to go since I just got a text from Erik saying he got detention so imma bailed. Bye." She says and walks away.

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