The One Where He Comtacts Her

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I have literally been laying down on my bed for 4 fucking days. There's no school for me because dad lets me stay because of my ankle. To be honest I can walk with this cast its just that I don't want to see Jesse. I keep telling my dad my ankle hurts and he calls the school and tells them I'm not going. I've been avoiding Jesse since that day. I am literally broken. I didn't think jesse was that type of guy you know? I should've known guys like him (perky,sweet,out going,nice) don't go for girls like me (angry,a little rude,sarcastic,broken)

Why did you let this happen to you Beca. You should've stopped with boys after Ryan. But of course you had to has a crush on Austin Prior and get a fucking tattoo of his name in you. Wait.....Austin. He didn't come to visit me last time because k was grounded for being locked up so he decided not to come. Would it be weird if I texted him? No right?

Message to Austin......

Hey it's me. Um your probably at school right now back home....I just wanted to say that I've missed you,and that I was pretty bummed that you didn't come. Text me later. Beca

I hope we Skype instead of text. I need to see him.

Shoot me down
But I won't fall
I am titanium

I heard my phone ring. It's Stacie.

"Hey chick what's up?" I ask trying to sound really happy when really I'm a heated mess. "Umm look you know those projects you and a Jesse were working on. Well your teacher changed the date. He wants them due by the end of the week because he's transferring to some other school. And if you don't do it you fail his class."

"Ohhh shittttt. So this means I have to face him." She knew who I meant when I said him.

"Yep. You have to write a whole essay on each other. And just give a tiny summary in front of the class." She says.

"Tell him I'm dead." I suggest. "Bec,Jesse already told him you guys will be the first ones to go."


"So are you gonna take a bad grade or face my idiotic brother?"

"I can't fail or else I won't become a senior next year. Just tell Jesse to umm....just meet me in my kitchen. Not the dinning room. Kitchen."

"Why the kitchen Becs?" Stacie ask with a tiny giggle.

"Because there's a tiny table in there and a huge counter. And the dinning room would just be awkward enough than it is."

"Okay. Whatever you say. Well I gotta head to class. Umm come over later with Jesse. So it won't be awkward. Bye love you!" And she hung up.

It's 12:45 and school ends at 3:30. I need to shower and show Jesse I'm doing good.

Get up Beca,dress pretty,look pretty,show Jesse you don't need him,when really I just need him cuddle next to you and show me he's always there. AHHH GET A GRIP BECA!


I come out of the shower and dress normal. Make up done normal,and it's waterproof 😉

My laptop rings. It's someone on skype calling. It says it's one of my facebook friends.....

"Beca!" He says excitingly. "Oh my god Austin!" I yell shocked.

"I have great news for you Bec. So my whole family wants to spent this year living in Florida. But I asked them if we can live in Georgia because it's left sunny and has less alligators. They agreed because I showed them this fake article saying 3,00 people die each year. So we're movies to Georgia in 2 weeks."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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